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SNEAK PEEK: Discovering What the Future Holds by Kay Arthur and Georg Huber

Why wonder or worry about the future?

Click here to download an excerpt from Discovering What the Future Holds now.

With all that’s transpiring in the world, people can’t help but wonder what the future holds. Will there ever be peace on earth? How long will the world live under the threat of terrorism? Is a one-world ruler on the horizon?

God has already provided answers to these questions in the book of Daniel, which sets forth His blueprints for the future. In fact, when you understand the prophecies Daniel reveals, every other prophecy in the Bible will fit somewhere in the plan. If you want to understand the future, if you want to know what will happen [ … ]

SNEAK PEEK: What Does the Bible Say About Sex? by Kay Arthur, David & BJ Lawson

Does God really care about your sex life?

Click here to download an excerpt from What Does the Bible Say About Sex? now.

In a culture saturated with sex, many find it hard to believe the Creator of the universe cares about this facet of their lives. Others are confused about where to draw the line to avoid going “too far.”

Married or single, you need to know what God says about sex. After all, He’s the one who designed this priceless gift and set clear boundaries to protect it. This candid study will help you weigh the messages of our culture against the truth of God’s Word. As you learn about the Designer’s original intent for sex, [ … ]

SNEAK PEEK: How Do You Know God’s Your Father? by Kay Arthur, David & BJ Lawson

Discover the key to lasting  joy in the Christian life by finding Whose you are.

Click here to download an excerpt from How Do You Know God’s Your Father? now.

This step-by-step walk through 1 John can help you discover whether or not you are a true child of God. By taking note of the way the Bible describes the differences between God’s children and those of Satan, you can gain clearer insight into where you stand with God. Through this study you will see how your lifestyle will reflect the character of the One to whom you belong.

Click here to download an excerpt from How Do You Know God’s Your Father? now.

SNEAK PEEK: A Man’s Strategy for Conquering Temptation by Bob Vereen

Christian men are in the midst of a life-long process—the renewing of their minds.

Click here to download an excerpt from A Man’s Strategy for Conquering Temptation now.

But the world, the flesh, and the devil go to great lengths to thwart the process. Our culture is obsessed with sex. Pornography, declining morals, pervasive visual stimulation, rampant divorce, and epidemic adultery. They all reflect ungodly passions. And inflame impure thoughts.

In this six-week study you’ll learn that God has provided everything you need to resist temptation. Through the examples of men in Scripture–those who fell into sin and those who stood firm–you’ll find hope for controlling your passions. You’ ll learn how to choose the path [ … ]

SNEAK PEEK: Rising to the Call of Leadership by Kay Arthur, David & BJ Lawson

Learn about the making of a leader–God’s way.

Click here to download an excerpt from Rising to the Call of Leadership now.

God calls every one of His people to positions of leadership and influence–in our homes, communities, churches, and ultimately the world. But true leadership involves more than simply being the person out front; it means living a life worth following.

In this study of four important leaders of Israel–Eli, Samuel, Saul, and David–you’ll explore key leadership principles, including how to make wise decisions under pressure, deal effectively with mistakes, and set a course that others will follow. Most important, you’ll learn what God expects of you–and how you can rise to the call of effective leadership.

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SNEAK PEEK: Money and Possessions – The Quest for Contentment by Kay Arthur & David Arthur

Discover God’s view of material wealth.

Click here to download an excerpt from Money and Possessions now.

In these days of economic uncertainty, and in a society that values financial security, money is an emotional topic. Appearances and lifestyle matter to us. And money–or the lack of it–often determines whether or not we’re content. The truth is, our attitudes toward money and possessions reflect the quality of our relationship with God. And, according to the Scriptures, our view of money reveals where our true affections lie.

In this six-week study, you’ll learn where money comes from, you’ll see how we’re supposed to handle it, and you’ll understand how to live an abundant life, regardless of your financial circumstances.

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SNEAK PEEK: Living a Life of True Worship by Kay Arthur, Bob & Diane Vereen

The Bible says worship is something everyone does.

Click here to download an excerpt from Living a Life of True Worship now.

How do you know which approach to worship is best? And how do you make sure the goal of your worship is appropriate?

This helpful study examines what the Bible says about true worship. You’ll discover that we are created for the purpose of worship. And you’ll explore solid, biblical principles for making worship a lifestyle of grateful response to your Creator and Redeemer.

Click here to download an excerpt from Living a Life of True Worship now.

SNEAK PEEK: Key Principles of Biblical Fasting by Kay Arthur and Pete De Lacy

Discover the Purpose and Power of Fasting.

Click here to download an excerpt from Key Principles of Biblical Fasting now.

Do you desire to feel God’s presence, hear His voice, sense His pleasure?

Since ancient times, fasting has been considered an essential means of drawing near to God. But this spiritual discipline involves much more than abstaining from food; it goes right to the heart of genuine faith. Through this invigorating study, you’ll gain a clear understanding of the principles behind this practice and be equipped to make fasting a key part of your relationship with God.

Click here to download an excerpt from Key Principles of Biblical Fasting now.

SNEAK PEEK: Having a Real Relationship with God by Kay Arthur

Is it possible to have a meaningful relationship with God?

Click here to download an excerpt from Having a Real Relationship with God now.

Have you ever wondered if it’s possible to have a relationship with God that really works in the day-in-day-out circumstances of your life?

This powerful inductive study will help you discover for yourself how such a rewarding relationship with God is possible. Kay Arthur opens the Bible to show you the way to salvation, with a special focus on where you stand with God, how your sin keeps us from knowing him, and how Christ bridged the chasm between humanity and God.

Click here to download an excerpt from [ … ]