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Your Will or His?

When I ask SWC’s [strong-willed children] who are dedicated Christians what motivated them to surrender their lives to God, I get one consistent answer: We are motivated by the relationship God offers us, not by the punishment we can avoid. In other words, it doesn’t
work to tell us that unless we surrender to God, we will face eternal damnation or hell.

[. . .] God wants each of us to come to Him and to serve Him in a way that enhances the very personality He created within us.

Excerpted from You Can’t Make Me (But I Can Be Persuaded) by Cynthia Tobias

Daily Reflection:
In what ways has your own strong will prevented you from surrendering to God’s will?

Christ’s Love and Romantic Love

This is what “love” meant for me: I was on the lookout for a person from whom I would find fulfillment. And I thought fulfillment would arrive in terms of attraction, emotional connection, and long-term compatibility, among other criteria, including but not limited to: green eyes, a shapely face, talent, and a sparkling personality. She would need to like music, but not the wrong type; be smart, but not the wrong type of smart, and so forth. Love meant finding someone with the right attributes and ticking off the ol’ checklist.

This was not the same as Christ’s love. Christ’s love had little to do with my checklist and seemed to focus more on the poor, the weak, and the people least likely to be wanted. Christ didn’t say spouse checklists were wrong, but He did love a lot [ … ]

READING GROUP GUIDE: A Season for Tending by Cindy Woodsmall

Rebuffed by her Old Amish Order community due to her unexplained “gifts,” intuitive Rhoda Byler prefers to be in her garden—alone. But when circumstances introduce her apple-grower Samuel King, life begins to open up unexpectedly. Can Rhoda escape the guilt and stigma she’s carried for so long and really start over?

Download the Reading Group Guide

SNEAK PEEK: The Northern Lights Trilogy (eBook exclusive) by Lisa Tawn Bergren

Three Historical novels for the price of one in this eBook-e-only omnibus.

Click here to download chapter one of The Northern Lights Trilogy eBook exclusive.

 From the hills of Norway to the coast of Maine, the streets of San Francisco and the Alaskan wilderness, comes this stirring trilogy about a group of Norwegian immigrants whose lives are forever intertwined. Set in the late nineteenth century, The Northern Lights series will captivate historical fiction fans. Lovers of family saga and adventure will be swept into the tender romances, as characters make important journeys toward growth and real faith.

Click here to download [ … ]

The Power of Connection

In a world torn apart by divorce and emotional detachment, we need heaven-breathed friendships and strategic relationships in order to train and protect each other’s children. To realize the rescue of the lost and at-risk children of our world, heaven-breathed strategies and answers will need to be implemented. No one is an island. We are in this together. Because of this dynamic, what you do has the power to affect me, and what I do has the power to affect you. With coordinated efforts we have a chance to turn the tide in our homes, churches, and communities. We live in a time when there is great opportunity for social networking. It is up to us to decide if we will use these connections for good.

Excerpted from Lioness Arising by Lisa Bevere

Daily Reflection:
How [ … ]

Your Child’s Doubts

When your SWC [Strong Willed Child] has doubts about what you believe and taught him all his life, it’s usually best to meet the issues head-on and face the questions honestly. You don’t need to provide all the answers, but your relationship will be strengthened if you empathize with his need to find them. He doesn’t want to feel he’s doing something horribly wrong if he expresses doubts about what he believes. You can be an understanding guide, provide the Bible as a guidebook, and help your SWC enjoy the journey of discovering who he will be and what he will stand for.

Excerpted from You Can’t Make Me (But I Can Be Persuaded) by Cynthia Tobias

Daily Reflection:
How else can you encourage your Strong Willed Child to come to you with doubts and grow in [ … ]