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What Happens When You Immerse Your Life in the Words of Jesus?

Click here to read the first chapter of Jesus Speaks.

“Jesus’s words can replace stress with peace, sadness with joy, confusion with guidance and fear with faith. That’s why Jesus Speaks will not only change your day; it can change your life, your relationships, and your eternity!”

Christine Caine, best-selling author of Undaunted and founder of The A21 Campaign and Propel Women

“We express God’s love language when we hear His Son’s words, and obey them. That’s why Jesus Speaks can be so transformational to those who want true intimacy with God.”

—Gary Chapman, PhD, author of The Five Love Languages

“Jesus promised that if we abide in Him and His words abide in us, our prayers will be answered and we will bear much fruit.  Jesus Speaks provides an amazing [ … ]

Whatever is Lovely: Coloring Book Sneak Peek

Color your way to peace and worship.

Click here to download an excerpt from Whatever is Lovely

We live in such a busy, hectic world—but what waits for you inside this cover is a way to quiet the noise, express creativity, and spend some sweet time with God. Each page features an original design from one of a dozen different artists, beautifully illustrating a contemplative quote from an inspirational writer, a beloved hymn, or Scripture.

When we create, we echo the heart of our Creative God who designed everything and gave us the capacity to recognize beauty.

So go ahead! You have permission to pick up your colored pencil and be reminded of truth in a fresh way.

To help set the perfect mood for worship, contemplation, and creative expression, a link to the “Whatever Is Lovely” playlist is included. 

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SNEAK PEEK: Jesus: Listening for His Voice by Kay Arthur and David Arthur

Jesus spoke words of life and truth. How well are you listening?

Click here to download an excerpt from Jesus: Listening for His Voice. 

True listening isn’t simply hearing the words of Jesus; it involves belief that results in active commitment. Throughout His earthly ministry, Jesus interacted with people from all walks of life. In every case, those individuals could choose to believe His words and reap the rewards of faith—or resist the truth and miss out on everything that truly matters.

This same choice is yours today. In this second book in a three-part study of the gospel of Mark, you can read for yourself the words of Jesus in Mark 7–13. If you then align yourself with the One who is truth, you’ll experience for yourself the freedom that comes from truly listening for and following the voice [ … ]

SNEAK PEEK: Jesus: Experiencing His Touch

A touch from Jesus can change everything.

Click here to download an excerpt from Jesus: Experiencing His Touch. 

The first six chapters of Mark’s gospel overflow with stories of people drawing near to Jesus, longing to experience firsthand the touch of the Savior. Over and over, Jesus responded with compassion, interacting on a personal level with individuals who had been cast aside by society, their circumstances deemed beyond hope.

As you delve into their stories in this powerful study—the first in a three-part study of the gospel of Mark—you’ll discover for yourself the difference it makes when you engage with Jesus personally and experience His touch in your life.