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Sneak Peek: Hope is the First Dose by W. Lee Warren, M.D.

Start reading today! 

Dr. Warren has spent more than twenty years studying the best prescription for patients when surgery or medicine are no longer the answer. Discover how to hold on to hope and move forward through trauma or tragedy with his medical insights, personal stories, and biblically based teaching in Hope Is the First Dose[ … ]

Creative Writing Guide for Ages 5-9

Start the new school year with this free resource!

Developed with school teachers and homeschooling educators in mind, this downloadable creative writing guide for children aged 5 to 9 years is inspired by The Stories of God (and Kiki), the second picture book by Dave Connis from the Made in His Image series.

Cover page of the creative writing guide for ages 5 to 9

Included in this guide, you’ll find:

  • An interactive 5-day story writing activity series
  • Story-writing prompts for preschoolers and kindergarteners
  • Story ideas for grades 1-3

Download your Creative Writing Guide



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Teens will discover a Christ-centered approach to antiracism that will empower them to be transformed as they transform their world—with end-of-chapter discussion questions for families and youth groups.

It’s time to go beyond saying “I’m not racist.” It’s time to take action. In Color-Courageous Discipleship Student Edition, Michelle T. Sanchez shows us how racial righteousness was God’s idea in the first place. As Michelle explores antiracism from a biblical perspective, she helps us:

• see how following Jesus and pursuing antiracism naturally go together
• understand why this generation is uniquely positioned to seek racial justice and pursue racial equity
• speak out with grace, truth, and wisdom—whatever your age or stage in life may be
• engage in color-courageous spiritual practices that will strengthen your witness and revitalize your faith
[ … ]

Sneak Peek: COLOR-COURAGEOUS DISCIPLESHIP by Michelle T. Sanchez

Start reading the first chapter

Discover a Christ-centered approach to antiracism that will empower you to be transformed as you transform your world.

So you’re for Jesus and against racism. But racism is such a fraught topic—can’t we just talk about Jesus?

Michelle T. Sanchez has discovered through her own journey that it’s impossible to separate racial discipleship from our relationship with God. Color-Courageous Discipleship is our guidebook to a deeper connection with God through the adventure of racial discipleship. Grounded in the gospel, this practical and thought-provoking book:

• reveals multiple ways that the racial dynamics of our society have already formed us
• explores what it means to biblically and proactively address racial inequity for the sake of God’s glory
• equips us to engage in challenging conversations about racial reconciliation with grace and truth
[ … ]

Sneak Peek: GOD’S BELOVED COMMUNITY by Michelle T. Sanchez

Take a look inside and start reading

This children’s book from the author of Color-Courageous Discipleship makes the God-inspired dream of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., accessible to all, helping kids and parents answer God’s call to move from being color-blind to color-brave.

God created a world filled with vibrant variety—and called it good! From flamingos and crows to shooting stars and rainbows—to all our different shades of hair, eyes, and skin—God declared it all very good. Now God calls us to resist racism and proclaim with him how precious all people really are.

With lively rhyming text, this book takes young readers on a biblical and historical journey to discover more about beloved community.