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SNEAK PEEK: The Power of a Half Hour by Tommy Barnett

This Christmas, experience learning to trust alongside the Plain folk of Apple Ridge, Pennsylvania in this heart-warming tale of second chances. – See more at:
Gideon O’Riley has been given another chance at a life with Lonnie. But will the fight for her heart risk it all over again? – See more at:

Turn your fleeting minutes into defining moments.

Turn your fleeting minutes into defining moments.

Click here to download chapter one of The Power of a Half Hour.

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DOWNLOAD: Raising Boys by Design HERO Activity

pdf_1002Want to see the HERO qualities of Raising Boys by Design by Gregory L. Jantz, PhD and Michael Gurian in action? Download the HERO Activity here and learn how Joseph developed the qualities of a HERO and then exemplified them throughout his story in the Bible–perfect for classes and Sunday school or to do with your son at home.

A True Child of God

“‘The Word’s powerful, sharper than a two-edged sword. Even the long lists of names remind you of the faithfulness of God, from generation to generation…’

‘Trusting Jesus and being a true child of God meant that whatever God said about His Son, He could say about me. He loved me…Not because I was smart or special or had great talents or gifts. It wasn’t because I was living the ‘good Christian life’ I was trying so hard to get right. He just looked at me and loved me. He delighted in me like a father delighting in his children. It suddenly all made sense…’

‘And I saw how deep my sin was. How foolish I was to try and fix myself. How silly my attempts at being a good man looked compared to King Jesus. And then I saw grace. [ … ]

A Big Dream

“Do you believe every person on earth was born with a dream for his or her life?
No matter where I travel in the world—whether among hard-charging Manhattan urbanites or villagers in southern Africa—I have yet to find a person who didn’t have a dream. They may not be able to describe it. They may have forgotten it. They may no longer believe in it.
But it’s there.

I call this universal and powerful longing a Big Dream. Like the genetic code that describes your unique passions and abilities, your Big Dream has been woven into your being from birth. You’re the only person with a Dream quite like yours.
And you have it for a reason: to draw you toward the kind of life you were born to love!”

Excerpted from The Dream Giver by Bruce Wilkinson

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Superhero Lives

“There’s Spider-Man, Superman, The Lord of the Rings, The Chronicles of Narnia, and more. Add to this mix the movie swith extraordinary heroes who do remarkable feats and live exceptional lives, characters such as Batman, Iron Man, Indiana Jones, and Zorro, just to name a few. In fact, as of 2009, seventeen of the top twenty-five all-time blockbuster movies fall under these categories, which is almost 70 percent. How intriguing that the bulk of the most popular movies of all time are films that center on extraordinary characters doing remarkable feats, with a good number of them possessing beyond human abilities or powers. Why? Because ‘extraordinary’ is how we were created to live. It was God’s plan from the beginning.”

Excerpted from Extraordinary: Keys to a Breakthrough Life by John Bevere

Daily Reflection: How can you live a [ … ]

Adding Your Stories to His

“Abandoning the tiny story of me and embracing the forever Story of Jesus will allow our little lives to be filled with the wonder of God as we live for the unending applause of His name. And joining our small stories to His will give us what we all want most in life, anyway: the assurance that our brief moments on earth will count for something in a Story that never ends.

Excerpted from I Am Not But I Know I AM by Louie Giglio

Daily Reflection: What will you do to make your story of today count for something in God’s Story?