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Longing for a Mary Heart

“Having a Mary Heart in a Martha World. The thought intrigues you. Deep inside of you there is a hunger, a calling, to know and love God. To truly know Jesus Christ and the fellowship of the Spirit. You’re not after more head knowledge—it’s heart-to-heart intimacy you long for.
Yet a part of you hangs back. Exhausted, you wonder how to find the strength or time. Nurturing your spiritual life seems like one more duty—one more thing to add to a life that is spilling over with responsibilities…

‘He’s up there somewhere,’ you say, swaying slightly as you peer upward, uncertain how to begin or if you even want to attempt the long, dizzy climb. But to do nothing means you will miss what your heart already knows: There is more to this Christian walk than you’ve experienced. And [ … ]

NEWS: Focus on the Family to Rebroadcast “Hero: Becoming the Man She Desires” Author in Best of 2013 Series

 Focus on the Family is re-broadcasting their top radio segments in a Best of 2013 series. We’re proud to announce that FIVE of our authors have made it into the Best of series, including Fred Stoeker!

  On January 8-9th & 13th, 2014, Fred’s original broadcasts will be aired one more time on the Focus on the Family radio daily program. (If you’d like to tune in live, go here to find a local station.)   

You can listen to the original broadcasts here:

Maintaining Sexual Purity 1

Maintaining Sexual Purity 2

VIDEO: Christmas at the Farm with Ann Voskamp and Liz Curtis Higgs

Prepare your heart for the holy season to come with New York Times bestselling authors and Women of Faith speakers, Ann Voskamp and Liz Curtis Higgs. During their FREE special webcast, “Christmas at the Farm: Unwrapping the Full Love Story of Christmas,” Liz and Ann will be sharing soul-reviving family traditions, some easy yet wildly memorable recipes from the kitchen, and some practical ways for your own sane and sacred Christmas—some soul-nourishment, much warmth and a lot of laughter!

Kick the season off with what your soul really needs—Christmas like you’ve never quite experienced it before… and more like the Christmas you’ve always yearned for. – or –


Read the first chapter of A Godward Heart.

To Satisfy Your Soul — with God

John Piper invites you to experience deeper intimacy with God through these thought-provoking and soul-enriching meditations. Whether you are just discovering the divine richness of Scripture or have long been a passionate student, you’ll find a deeper understanding of God and renewed insight for your journey.

NEWS: Focus on the Family to Rebroadcast “Preparing Him for the Other Woman” Author in Best of 2013 Series

Focus on the Family is re-broadcasting their top radio segments in a Best of 2013 series. We’re proud to announce that FIVE of our authors have made it into the Best of series, including Sheri Rose Shepherd!

  On December 12-13th, Sheri’s original broadcasts will be aired one more time on the Focus on the Family radio. (If you’d like to tune in live, check your local station for times).  

You can listen to the original broadcasts here:

Preparing Sons to Be Great Husbands and Fathers 1

Preparing Sons to Be Great Husbands and Fathers 2

God’s better plan

… I’ve got some really great news for you. It’s all wrapped up in the one sentence that best describes my own life: Because God is good, your life will not turn out like you planned.

That’s because God has a better plan. A much better plan. So what is this plan, and how can you make it your own?

God’s plan is made up of strikingly relevant, time-tested lessons written down and preserved for us in the Bible. It pulsates with stories about men who released and sustained the passion of their faith. They became the men God created them to be.

And you can too.

Excerpted from How God Makes Men by Patrick Morley

Daily Reflection: When was the last time you turned to the Bible for mentors?

NEWS: Focus on the Family to Rebroadcast “Cleaning House” Author in Best of 2013 Series

Focus on the Family is re-broadcasting their top radio segments in a Best of 2013 series. We’re proud to announce that FIVE of our authors have made it into the top radio programs in the year of 2013. And Kay Wyma is one of them!

  On November 26-27th, Kay’s original broadcasts will be aired one more time on the Focus on the Family radio. (If you’d like to tune in live, check your local station for times).  

You can listen to the original broadcasts here:

Eradicating the Entitlement Mentality 1

Eradicating the Entitlement Mentality 2

The Prayer That Stopped the Sun

Today’s Bible reading: Joshua 10:1–14

Right here on Day 1, I’m going to throw out a challenge to you: If you’re not daring to believe God for the impossible, you’re sleeping through some of the best parts of your Christian life. And further
still, if the size of your vision for your life isn’t intimidating to you, there’s a good chance it’s insulting to God. You should be living by audacious faith every day. Audacity is not just for “elite Christians.”
It’s intended for every believer. So today we’re beginning a spiritual journey toward trusting God for what seems impossible. I’m thrilled to think about what it’s going to do for our lives and our world.

A story from the life of Joshua serves as our template for audacious faith.

The Israelites unleash a surprise attack on the [ … ]