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SNEAK PEEK: hand in Hand by Randy Alcorn

If God is sovereign, how can I be free to choose?
But if God is not sovereign, how can he be God?

Click here to download chapter one of hand in Hand.

In hand in Hand, Randy Alcorn says that the traditional approach to this debate has often diminished our trust in God and his purposes. Instead of making a one-sided argument from select verses, Alcorn examines the question in light of all Scripture. By exploring what the whole Bible says about divine sovereignty and human choice, hand in Hand helps us…

Click here to download chapter one of hand in Hand.


SNEAK PEEK: Ask It by Andy Stanley

You’ll Never Make a Decision the Same Way Again

Click here to download chapter one of Ask It.

Should I take this job? Buy this house? Marry this person?  We ask questions every day about the choices we face. But are we asking the most important question of all? In Ask It, Andy Stanley identifies the one question that makes it easy to determine the answer to all other questions. You’ll learn how to make decisions with confidence simply by applying the question that brings clarity to life’s most challenging decisions.

Click here to download chapter one of Ask It.

SNEAK PEEK: Life with a Capital L by Matt Heard

What is it that you long for? Dream about?  Hunger after?

Click here to download chapter one of Life with a Capital L.

We all desire more than just the endurance of our daily routines. But often we feel limited and stuck — like we’re merely existing instead of living.
That’s not the way it was meant to be. God intends the humanity in each of us to be deeply experienced, lavishly enjoyed, and exuberantly celebrated. In fact this is what the gospel is all about.

Click here to download chapter one of Life with a Capital L.


SNEAK PEEK: Having a Mary Spirit Study Guide by Joanna Weaver

Changed by God –  from the inside out

Click here to download chapter one of Having a Mary Spirit Study Guide.

This twelve-session study guide, for use with Joanna’s book and companion DVDs, helps us draw closer to God, revealing spiritual insights and modern-day applications from his Word. As we open our hearts to God’s grace, his love, and the Holy Spirit’s power, brings the change we long for. The transformation we need.

Click here to download chapter one of Having a Mary Spirit Study Guide.


SNEAK PEEK: In This House, We Will Giggle by Courtney DeFeo

What do indoor picnics and funny face contests have to do with loving Jesus?
More than you realize!

Click here to download chapter one of In This House, We Will Giggle.

As a mom in the throes of parenting, Courtney DeFeo believes that instilling virtues in children starts with laughter, not lecture. That perspective propelled her to create this idea-packed book, in which she offers motivating reflections, real-life stories, and a sandbox full of inventive ways to help you turn your kids’ hearts toward God.

Click here to download chapter one of In This House, We Will Giggle.