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Be The Message Devotional: SNEAK PEEK

 Move Beyond Words

Click here to download an excerpt from

Be The Message Devotional. 

The Gospel is not a well-crafted sermon. It is a life well lived. It is you. Drawn from the book Be the Message, this thirty-day devotional will help you cultivate your life message and live it out.

Over the course of a life-changing month, you will learn how the messes in your life can become a door of hope, discover new ways to love those in front of you, and find out how God is calling you to take a stand in the world.

Using Scripture, illustrations, and practical action steps, the Be the Message Devotional can bring you to a deeper understanding of how your life can make a difference and be [ … ]

SNEAK PEEK: Finding Your Way Back to God by Dave Ferguson and Jon Ferguson

 “God, if you’re real,

make yourself real to me.”


Click here to download chapter one of  Finding Your Way Back to God

Each of us spends our lives on a journey toward God. Yet often our most deeply felt longings—for meaning, for love, for significance—end up leading us away from, instead of toward, our Creator and the person he made us to be. 

Finding Your Way Back to God shows you how to understand and listen to your longings in a whole new way. It’s about waking up to who you really are, and daring to believe that God wants to be found even more than you want to find him. It’s about making the biggest wager of your life as you ask God to [ … ]

SNEAK PEEK: I Tried Until I Almost Died

 Tired of trying to measure up?

Trade your anxiety and frustration for rest and relaxation.

Click here to download an excerpt from I Tried Until I Almost Died. 

Tired of trying to measure up?

Trade your anxiety and frustration for rest and relaxation.

 Many of us believe that in order to please God, we have to be perfect. It’s an easy lie to buy into. In a culture that emphasizes accomplishment and ever-higher goals, we feel driven to do more, achieve more, be more. And we get caught up in the unforgiving treadmill of self-imposed rules, believing that we should, we need to, we must.

 The result? Anger, frustration, and anxiety that keep us far away from the [ … ]

SNEAK PEEK – Miss Brenda and the Loveladies

 Sometimes Hope Is the Greatest Gift of All

Click here to download an excerpt from Miss Brenda and the Loveladies. 

Brenda Spahn was a businesswoman who wouldn’t take no for an answer when she discovered that God wouldn’t either. When she invited seven hardened parolees into her southern mansion, she expected to house them, not love them. But her reluctant decision to serve women prisoners developed into a career, a calling, and a ministry that has helped thousands of women leave prison for good.

 In the tradition of The Blind Side, this remarkable true story shows the power of living out our calling, the beauty of God’s mercy, and why loving others always changes us first.

DOWNLOAD: Be the Message Christmas Ideas

Be-the-Message_ActionPlans_CH_300x250At Christmas time, of course, we celebrate the Incarnation: the Word becoming flesh (John 1:14). The theme of Be the Message is another kind of incarnation. The Christ-centered message of love and grace takes up residence in our lives. As Scripture tells us: “Let the message of Christ dwell among you richly” (Colossians 3:16).

Download your free action plan ideas now to help Be the Message to people in your family and community: 
Be the Message Action Plans_Christmas

Based on the book Be the Message by Kerry & Chris Shook.  Start reading.

SNEEK PEEK: The Power of a Half Hour by Tommy Barnett

 Turn your fleeting minutes into defining moments.

Click here to download chapter one of The Power of a Half Hour.

What can you do in 30 minutes? Have lunch? Watch television? Check Facebook?
How about change your life? Why do some people achieve far more than others? We all get the same 24 hours in a day, yet a special few seem to have superhuman abilities when it comes to accomplishing great things in life. Tommy Barnett, a proven master at “getting things done,” says the key to maximizing your productivity is to make use of small, manageable moments in your day—just 30 minutes at a time.

Click here to download chapter one of The Power of a Half Hour.

DOWNLOAD: Thanksgiving ideas to Be the Message

Be-the-Message_ActionPlans_300x250The American holiday of Thanksgiving is about gratitude, of course, but it also celebrates the sharing of our plenty with others—especially others of different cultures. As we live out the message of Christ in our society, Thanksgiving will give us great opportunities.

Download your free action plan ideas now to help Be the Message to people in your family and community: 
Be the Message Action Plans_Thanksgiving

Based on the book Be the Message by Kerry & Chris Shook.  Start reading.