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The Raid that Rescued Us.  The Mission that Defines Our Lives.

 Click here to download chapter one of  Jesus Was an Airborne Ranger.

You are trapped behind enemy lines. You feel it every day. Powerful forces want to destroy you and those you love. Completely surrounded, you see no means to escape.

Sadly, the Jesus we often hear about in church or on the radio is far too timid to help—more like a daytime talk show host than a dangerous Rescuer.

Who would follow—much less risk everything for—such a leader?

Get ready to see Jesus like you’ve never seen him before—a battle-scarred Combatant who stared death in the face and won. This is no Sunday-school Jesus, meek and mild. This is the Warrior Christ [ … ]

SNEAK PEEK – I’m Happy For You(Sort of… Not Really) by Kay Wills Wyma

Is comparison-living hijacking your life?

 Click here to download chapter one of  I’m Happy For You(Sort of… Not Really)

Tired of performing? Feeling weighed down by the pressure to be Pinteresting? Does your friend’s wardrobe, body, marriage, paycheck, vacation plans, or photoshoot-worthy home décor leave you wishing your life looked more like that?

You’re not alone.

With its focus on smarter, faster, thinner, and ever-better, our cultural obsession with comparison is undercutting relationships and sapping contentment. Our friends become our audience (or judges), and our titles, activities, even kids become part of our brand. Factor in social media’s constant reminder of what everyone else is doing, and no wonder we feel drained, discontent, and isolated.

Thankfully, we don’t have to live this way!

With disarming [ … ]