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Click Here to download the first chapter of Unlock Your Dream by Philip Wagner  

About Unlock Your Dream by Philip Wagner

Life Can Be Hard.
Dream Anyway!

“God gave you a specific desire—an assignment to complete—and it’s something that will be larger than you, but it’s something that will fulfill you completely. He allows us to be a part of His redeeming work, bringing a lost world back into communion with Him. God has a dream for our world, for humanity, and He has a dream for you and me. We have the capacity to reach those dreams, but it’s crucial that our desires lead us to the God-dream for our lives. Our greatest pursuit will be that dream.”   —Philip Wagner
Your dreams are calling. Will you answer?

We all dream. The capacity for dreaming [ … ]

Crosswalk Features Article by Mike Foster, Author of “People of the Second Chance”

Counselor and ministry leader Mike Foster, author of “The People of the Second Chance: A Guide to Bringing Life-Saving Love to the World,” has written an insightful article called “The 4 Biggest Lies We Believe About Helping Others.” Foster is dedicated to helping people relaunch their lives with a sense of hope and purpose.

Read the article on



Read the first chapter of Shaken.

Who are you when life is steady?
Who are you when storms come?
Most of us have been on the receiving end of rejection, a broken dream, or heartbreak. And while this is not an easy space to go through, when we are grounded in the truth, we can endure the tough times.

In this powerful book, Heisman Trophy winner Tim Tebow passionately shares glimpses of his journey staying grounded in the face of disappointment, criticism, and intense media scrutiny. Following an exceptional college football career with the Florida Gators and a promising playoff run with the Denver Broncos, Tebow was traded to the New York Jets. He was released after one season.

In Shaken, Tebow talks about what he’s learned along the way, building confidence in his identity [ … ]

SNEAK PEEK: FIND YOUR MIRACLE by Kerry Shook and Chris Shook

Click Here to download the first chapter of Find your Miracle by Kerry and Chris Shook 

About Find your Miracle by Kerry Shook and Chris Shook

What if the Miracles of Jesus Weren’t Just for the Past?

Healing the blind. Walking on water. Calming the storm. Feeding thousands with a few loaves and fish. Every miracle Jesus performed was for a purpose. There was provision for that specific moment in time. But what if each miracle was also embedded with the promise of future provision…for you?

In Find Your Miracle, New York Times bestselling authors Kerry and Chris Shook take a fresh look at nine of Jesus’s most incredible times of healing and supernatural intervention.  The Shooks unpack these moments in modern language to usher you into the pain, desperation, breakthrough, and miracle of each encounter. Plus they reveal a “miracle [ … ]

Sneak Peek: VISIONEERING by Andy Stanley

Read the first chapter of Visioneering

Lift Your Vision High

Vision is a preferred future. A destination. Vision always stands in contrast to the world as it is. Visioneering, according to bestselling author Andy Stanley, is “a clear mental picture of what could be, fueled by the conviction that it should be.” With warm, down-to-earth practicality, Andy Stanley explores the ordinary life of Nehemiah and his God-given vision for accomplishing the extraordinary. He shows how the life of this great ancient visionary, determined to rebuild the ruined walls of Jerusalem, reveals principles that can prepare us to find and follow God’s multifaceted vision for our own lives. Now this bestseller is again available in an attractive, affordable paperback!

Everybody ends up somewhere in life.
You can end up somewhere on purpose!

Visioneering is the engineering of [ … ]