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Read the first few pages of Every Step an Arrival.

Take ninety days and walk through the pages of the Bible with the definitive voice today in Christian spirituality. Eugene Peterson provides brief commentary and challenging thoughts designed to stir the biblical imagination and encourage even the weary believer.

Book Trailer: THE MOUNTAINS ARE CALLING by Jarrett Stephens

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The teaching pastor of one of America’s largest megachurches gives a call to action: Study the mountains mentioned in Scripture. Learn what God reveals there about himself, and you. Then take those truths back to the people.

An overview of the mountaintop experiences mentioned in Scripture where God met with his followers for the express purpose of greater clarity on two questions: Who is God? and Who am I? Each chapter provides the reader with a clear picture of God’s character and how those attributes both challenge and encourage us.


Read the first chapter of The Life Giving Leader.

The president of Catalyst Leader believes that the most impactful and most influential leaders are the ones who lead from who they truly are, not who they pretend or wish to be.

With clear biblical teaching and personal accounts, Tyler Reagin not only demonstrates the necessity of life-giving leadership, but also provides the steps you’ll need to begin knowing and leading from your truest self. From his experiences in high-impact leadership roles at some of our nation’s largest churches and ministries, Reagin has learned firsthand the importance of identity-based leadership. His desire is to help each reader become an empowered, confident leader that brings life and vibrancy to every room they enter. Whether you’ve got the corner office or you’re just getting started, Reagin gives you the tools you need [ … ]

April 2018: Book by Book with Liz Curtis Higgs

Join Liz each month through out 2018 to celebrate her 25th birthday as an author here. April’s featured book is The Girl’s Still Got It. 

About The Girl’s Still Got It

You know Ruth’s story. Now meet her in person. And prepare to be changed.

Walk with Ruth as she travels from Moab to Bethlehem, certain of her calling, yet uncertain of her future. Hold Naomi’s hand and watch love put the pieces of her broken life back together. And hang out with Boaz, their kinsman-redeemer, who blesses both women and honors God, big time.

With best-selling author Liz Curtis Higgs by your side, you’ll tarry in the corners of their ancient houses, listen [ … ]


Read the first chapter of Imperfect Courage.

The founder of the popular fair trade jewelry brand Noonday Collection shares her story of starting the rapid-growing business that impacts over 4,400 artisans in vulnerable communities across the globe and invites readers on a journey of transformation, challenging them to trade their comfort zones for a life of impact and adventure.

In 2015, Inc. magazine recognized Noonday Collection as one of the fastest-growing companies in America. Years earlier, as Jessica Honegger stood at a pawn-shop counter in Austin, Texas, and handed over her grandmother’s gold jewelry, her goal was personal: to fund the adoption of her Rwandan son, Jack, by selling artisan-made jewelry. This first step launched an unexpected side-hustle that would grow into Noonday Collection. She embarked on this new journey and teamed up with her first artisan partner, Jalia, a Ugandan [ … ]


Read the first chapter of Slightly Bad Girls of the Bible.

Good Women Behaving Badly

A spiteful boss, a defiant employee, a manipulative mother, a desperate housewife, an envious sister…honey, we know these women. We’ve lived with them, worked with them, or caught a glimpse of them in our mirrors.

Now let’s take a look at their ancient counterparts in Scripture: Sarah mistreated her maidservant, Hagardespised her mistress, Rebekah manipulated her son, Leah claimed her sister’s husband, and Rachel envied her fertile sister.

They were far from evil, but hardly perfect. Mostly good, yet slightly bad. In other words, these matriarchal mamas look a lot like us.

“A Slightly Bad Girl is simply this: a woman unwilling to fully submit to God. We love him, serve him, and worship him, yet we find it difficult to trust him completely, to accept his plan for our lives, to rest in his [ … ]

The Burden is Light: Discussion Guide Download

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A NYC pastor and global influencer inspires readers to find their most meaningful and purposeful life. Surprising to many, this life is not measured by success, comparison, or accolades. Rather, free and joyful living stems from a God-centered celebration of our union with Christ and the lives of those around us. 

Jon Tyson’s exploration of the reverse economy of the kingdom frees his readers from merit-based living…not just in terms of salvation, but daily, earthly value. Life is not meant to be a series of competitions or a survival of the fittest rat race. Yet so many of the messages around us, so many of the voices bombarding our hearts and minds tie up our value and package it with our accolades.

This book gives another way forward. It [ … ]


Read the first chapter of The Mountains Are Calling.

The teaching pastor of one of America’s largest megachurches gives a call to action: Study the mountains mentioned in Scripture. Learn what God reveals there about himself, and you. Then take those truths back to the people.

An overview of the mountaintop experiences mentioned in Scripture where God met with his followers for the express purpose of greater clarity on two questions: Who is God? and Who am I? Each chapter provides the reader with a clear picture of God’s character and how those attributes both challenge and encourage us.

Book Trailer: THE LAST ARROW – CHAPTER 10: Battle Ready by Erwin Raphael McManus

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Before You Die, Live the Life You Were Born To Live.

When you come to the end of your days, you will not measure your life based on success and failures. All of those will eventually blur together into a single memory called “life.” What will give you solace is a life with nothing left undone. One that’s been lived with relentless ambition, a heart on fire, and with no regrets. On the other hand, what will haunt you until your final breath is who you could have been but never became and what you could have done but never did.

The Last Arrow is your roadmap to a [ … ]


Read the first chapter of Rethinking Sexuality.

This ground-breaking resource challenges and equips Christians to think and act biblically and compassionately in matters of sexuality.

Sexual abuse, sex addiction, gender confusion, brokenness, and shame plague today’s world, and people are seeking clarity and hope. By contesting long-held cultural paradigms, this book equips you to see how sexuality is rooted in the broader context of God’s heart and His work for us on earth. It provides a framework from which to understand the big picture of sexual challenges and wholeness, and helps you recognize that every sexual question is ultimately a spiritual one. It shifts the paradigm from combating sexual problems to confidently proclaiming and modeling the road to sacred sexuality.

Instead of arguing with the world about what’s right and wrong about sexual choices, this practical resource equips you [ … ]