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NEWS: “The Power of A Half Hour” Spotlighted in the Waterloo-Cedar Falls Courier

Tommy Barnett’s new book The Power of A Half Hour was spotlighted in the Waterloo-Cedar Falls Courier.

The article, “Breaking down goals into small pieces key to making big strides” writes, “Through stories, biblical principles and Barnett’s expert counsel, Power of a Half Hour illustrates the importance of focus. The key is viewing time as a precious commodity. Do so, and these short blocks of time become periods in which you reexamine spiritual development, personal goals and professional progress.”

To read more of the piece, click here.

NEWS: “The Power of A Half Hour” Featured on featured author Tommy Barnett’s new book The Power of A Half Hour.

Barnett writes on how thirty minutes can help individuals prepare to become champions, and the importance of experts investing in preparation.

The Power of A Half Hour helps readers discover practical tools to winning in life. To read the full feature, click here.

Children Believing

Children believe. Without the skepticism and doubts that adults carry wherever they go, children simply believe. Tell a child that God answers prayer, and he or she will put your words to the test, often with remarkable results.

As I was preparing this book, the kids’ stories reminded me of a valuable lesson. Children are very specific when they pray. If their family is short two hundred dollars on their mortgage payment, they don’t ask God to “meet their needs” or “provide for their family.” Instead, they ask God to send them two hundred dollars.

I’m reminded of four-year-old Dana, the daughter of a writer-friend, who prayed, “Dear Jesus, help us not to eat slugs.” Now that’s praying specifically.

My prayers, on the other hand, are often too general. I pray for my children, but not with concreteness. I pray [ … ]

NEWS: Shaunti Feldhahn Interviews on “The 700 Club”

Bestselling author Shaunti Feldhahn recently interviewed on The 700 Club regarding her newest book, The Surprising Secrets of Highly Happy Marriages: The Little Things That Make a Big Difference

“The Atlanta resident and Harvard-trained researcher has gathered comprehensive data and research about really satisfied husbands and wives. What she found is that these couples share a few key attitudes and actions,” writes Paul Strand.

To read the entire interview, please click here


Finding Stillness

“Let’s face it, stillness is not exactly easy to come by in today’s culture. We are far more likely to be restless, anxious, fearful, worrisome, and busy. But God’s invitation is to be still—and to find again, in the calm pause, the assurance that He is, in fact, God. His plans are undeterred, and with or without us, He is going to receive glory from all peoples on the face of the earth.

But how do we find stillness when finances are tight, tragedy overwhelms, the kids seem out of control, nations are at war, relationships are strained, and there’s just too much left to do at the end of the day?

It’s simple. Still is found right next to Be.
See it?


Excerpted from I Am Not But I [ … ]

FREE DOWNLOAD: A Fearless Life – A Bible Study and Reflection Guide

Download a FREE discussion guide about the book, FEARLESS: The Undaunted Courage and Ultimate Sacrifice of Navy SEAL Team SIX Operator Adam Brown.

About the guide –

In case the worst happened, Adam Brown wrote to his children:
“I’m not afraid of anything that might  happen to me on this Earth because  I know no matter what, nothing can take my spirit from me…”

Adam Brown lived his life with a very clear set of values: God, country, family.

He was flawed, sometimes frightfully so, yet with a keen sense of integrity that set him apart. One of Adam’s final wishes, written by hand on his casualty form,  was that his spiritual testimony—his complete story—be told, including “my life before I met Jesus Christ and Kelley.” His story serves as a reminder of the power of faith.

Adam [ … ]

Joy in Growing Older

“Life is passing by…for all of us. Billy Graham was once asked what the greatest surprise of his life had been. His answer was, ‘The brevity of it…’

Here’s what it comes down to. If you have placed your faith and trust in Jesus Christ as Savior, if you belong to Him, then you don’t have to dread the passing of years. As Christians, we know the best is yet to come. As you walk day by day with the Lord, living the way He wants you to live, you will acquire experiences and memories, distilled truth that will be a blessing to you and others later in life, because you made the right choices and invested in the right things.

If you have put your faith in Jesus Christ, you need to know that He is with you [ … ]