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DOWNLOAD: Cloak of the Light Book Talk

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pdf_1002Librarians! Looking for a clean read for your young adult reading Christian and homeschool patrons?

Cloak of the Light by Chuck Black is the first book in his new trilogy, Wars of the Realm, for ages 12 and up. With angels and demons, military training, a brainiac best friend, and a mysterious girl—what more could you ask for in an action adventure novel? Download the Book Talk here.

Want to start reading? Download the Sneak Peek.


DOWNLOAD: Seven Ways You Can Pray for Israel

pdf_1002How can Christians be in prayer for the nation of Israel – the nation of God’s chosen people? Download a free guide that gives you seven specific points for prayer, Scriptures, and prayers to aid you as you commune with God on behalf of Israel and the people there. Click here to download. 

Want to know more about the people of Israel? Don’t miss learning about the significant prophetic signs contained in stories of biblical characters, in God’s creation, and in the lives and actions of today’s Israelis and Palestinians. Read about them in the new book The Holy Land Key by Ray Bentley. Click here to read a sample chapter from The Holy Land Key.

Praise for The Holy [ … ]

NEWS: Features “The Power of A Half Hour”

Author Tommy Barnett discuss his new book The Power of A Half Hour on

Barnett states that, “Many people think of a half hour as a minimal or meaningless gap in time, downtime to catch your breath between periods of major effort. But the truth is that your half hours can determine the difference between success and failure.”

To read more, click here.


Be strong and of a good courage, fear not, nor be afraid of them: for the LORD thy God, he it is that doth go with thee; he will not fail thee, nor forsake thee. Deuteronomy 31:6

I’ve always liked words and discovering their origins and fascinating meanings. I was once told that Deuteronomy in Hebrew meant "These are the words." The word parable is said to come from the Hebrew meaning pebble as in "a stone tossed along beside."  Good words do that I think: they come along beside us to bring us wisdom and nurture. Sometimes even the title of stories bring us insights.

While writing the second in the Change and Cherish trilogy based on a Christian communal society of the 1850s the publishing team and I brainstormed a title eventually choosing A Tendering in the Storm. [ … ]

Sneak Peek: Through the Deep Waters by Kim Vogel Sawyer

A past filled with shame can be washed away with a love that conquers all.

Click here to download chapter one of Through the Deep Waters.

Born to an unloving prostitute in a popular Chicago brothel, timid seventeen-year-old Dinah Hubley was raised amidst the secrets held in every dark, grimy room of her home. Anxious to escape, Dinah pursues her dream of becoming a Harvey Girl, waiting tables along the railroad in an upscale hotel. But when she finds out she isn’t old enough, her only option is to accept a job as a chambermaid at the Clifton Hotel in Florence, Kansas. Eager to put everything behind her, Dinah feels more worthless than ever, based on a single horrible decision she made to survive.

Click here to [ … ]