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SNEAK PEEK: Worthy of Her Trust by Stephen Arterburn and Jason B. Martinkus

You Can Win Her Back

Click here to download chapter one of Worthy of Her Trust.

Few challenges in life are as difficult as regaining a wife’s trust—and few are as ultimately worthwhile. Trust can be rebuilt in your marriage! With patient, loving, self-sacrificing effort, it’s possible that one day your wife will risk her heart with you again. And she may even have more respect and love for you than before. In Worthy of Her Trust, Jason Martinkus relates how he repaired his own marriage after revelations of sexual addiction. Along with Stephen Arterburn, Jason offers exercises and tools rooted in counseling principles to help your marriage begin again.

Click here to download chapter one of Worthy of Her Trust.


SNEAK PEEK: Thief of Glory by Sigmund Brouwer

A boy coming of age in a time of war…
the love that inspires him to survive.

Click here to download chapter one of Thief of Glory.

For ten year-old Jeremiah Prins, the life of privilege as the son of a school headmaster in the Dutch East Indies comes crashing to a halt in 1942 after the Japanese Imperialist invasion of the Southeast Pacific. Jeremiah takes on the responsibility of caring for his younger siblings when his father and older stepbrothers are separated from the rest of the family, and he is surprised by what life in the camp reveals about a woman he barely knows—his frail, troubled mother.

Click here to download chapter one of Thief of Glory.


SNEAK PEEK: Godonomics (Tradepaper Edition) by Chad Hovind

God’s solution to America’s economic crisis

Click here to download chapter one of Godonomics.


Saving America’s economy is not a conservative-versus-liberal issue, it is a biblical issue. National leaders have failed to pull the country out of its financial tailspin because both major parties are working from the wrong text. For a nation to achieve stability and enjoy lasting economic health, it needs to adopt the economic principles set forth in the Bible.

Click here to download chapter one of Godonomics.


NEWS: Miss Brenda and the Loveladies Featured on Life Today

Brenda Spahn and Shay Curry appeared on “Life Today” on May 20 to share their story as told in Miss Brenda and the Loveladies: A Heartwarming True Story of Grace, God, and Gumption. Go here to watch Brenda explain her calling to start a “whole-way” house for women prisoners and Shay tell her powerful testimony of hope and transformation.

NEWS: Shaunti Feldhahn Interviews on FOX News

Shaunti Feldhahn, author of The Good News About Marriage:Debunking Discouraging Myths about Marriage and Divorce, interviewed with “FOX & Friends” to discuss some of the depressing myths about marriage and divorce that pervade our culture. She explains that belief in these false statistics is discouraging to marriages that can actually make it.

To watch the interview, click here.

DOWNLOAD: Men’s reflection guide

Download this companion reflection guide and Bible study based on the book, A Short Walk to the Edge of Life by Scott Hubbartt.

About the book

It was supposed to be a simple day hike. Scott Hubbartt was a military veteran with years of survival training. Everyone who knew him considered him an expert adventurer.

But Scott’s trek into the treacherous backcountry canyons of the Peruvian Andes turned into a desperate fight to survive after he became hopelessly lost. As his eight-hour hike lengthened into days, Scott faced dehydration, hunger, and exhaustion. And that’s when his true journey began.

Chronicling the failures and miracles of a remarkable physical and spiritual passage, A Short Walk [ … ]

NEWS: A Table by the Window Featured on featured Hillary Manton Lodge’s A Table by the Window in the April eNewsletter. Reviewer Evelyn Bence wrote, “When I read Christian fiction, I often feel as if writers are trying too hard — to relay their faith, teach a lesson, show (never tell) an emotion, overblow a plotline, take a literary tack…or maybe it’s that they’re not trying hard enough. So what a pleasant surprise to find this novel that didn’t once make me sigh with irritation.” Go here to read the full review.