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SNEAK PEEK: Boo Who by Rene Gutteridge

“Knock knock.”
“Who’s there?”

Click here to download chapter one of Boo Who.

It appears that everyone in Skary, Indiana, is having an identity crisis of epic proportions–including the town itself. Once known as the haunt of the world’s most popular horror writer, Wolfe “Boo” Boone, Skary started losing tourist business after Boo abruptly abandoned his career. Now the little town with the big marketing hook is up a creek–and on the brink of bankruptcy.

Click here to download chapter one of Boo Who.

SNEAK PEEK: Boo by Rene Gutteridge


Talk about Working out Your Faith with Fear and Trembling.

Click here to download chapter one of Boo.

The biggest thing to happen to Skary, Indiana, is renowned horror novelist Wolfe Boone–or, “Boo,” as the locals fondly call him. For the past sixteen years, the reclusive writer has been the town’s greatest attraction, having unintentionally turned the once-struggling Skary into a thriving tourist-trap for the dark side: from the Haunted Mansion restaurant, famous for its “bloody fingers” (fries splattered with ketchup) to Spooky’s Bookstore (where employees dress like the walking dead).

Click here to download chapter one of Boo.


Click here to read chapter one of A Small Book About God.

A Small Book about God contains a straight-to-the-heart message derived from the collected sermons of beloved pastor Roy Hicks Jr. Over the years of his ministry, he encouraged thousands to walk after God in a daily and purposeful way. This book is a small but delicious sample of those teachings, certain to move readers to deeper levels of trust and relationship with God.


It’s The Gift of A Lifetime.

Click here to read chapter one of The Gift For All People.

The Gift for All People is a celebration of God’s gift of salvation wrapped in a collection of inspirational stories. These stories will help Christians comprehend and treasure the assurance of their salvation and will help non-Christians realize and embrace the gift of abundant, eternal life in Jesus Christ. The concluding story, written especially for this book, urges readers to give their lives to Jesus Christ and shows them how to do so.

SNEAK PEEK: Rise and Shine by Liz Curtis Higgs

When you rise from your bed, how many minutes does it take before you truly shine?

Click here to download chapter one of Rise and Shine.

Might I have just two of those precious minutes each morning? Two minutes to whisper a gentle word of encouragement, to brush a feather across your funny bone, to prove how beautiful and valuable you are to God?

Click here to download chapter one of Rise and Shine.


Love Is Calling. How Will You Answer?

Click here to read chapter one of Listening to Love.

One of our greatest desires is to know we are loved by our Creator. Yet the depth of our apprehension is often equally strong: If I listen, we wonder, what will God say? If I open myself up to blessings, what will God require in return? As we trace this line of thinking, the God of all goodness becomes, in our minds, the God of our worst fears.


Make Forgiveness a Habit You Won’t Want to Break.

Click here to read chapter one of Forgive One Another.

For most of us, the act of forgiveness requires great force of will. Extension of grace is rare and demands a conscious choice. Yet if we are to obey Christ’s teachings and follow his example, we must be willing to consistently forgive those in our lives who seem the least forgivable. We must commit not just to granting the occasional pardon, but to totally embracing a lifestyle of forgiveness.

Sneak Peek: LIFE AS A VAPOR by John Piper

Start reading the first few chapters

31 meditations from the founder of Desiring God that will connect you to a fresh understanding of God and renew your faith.

Living knowing that your life is a vapor is different than just living. Things here are passing away. You’ve got to hold on to what will stand. Savor what matters. This collection of thirty-one articles is full of that heart-longing after Christ that distinguishes Piper’s preaching ministry. You will feel as though you have stumbled into a garden as you enter these pages. The Scripture cuts, Christ is exalted in God, and we worship Him.

Start reading the first few chapters


Trapped in an evil spell… can the knights of Paladin be rescued?

Read the first chapter of DragonKnight.

Before vowing his allegiance to Wulder as a knight, Bardon heads to the mountains for solitude. His life is suddenly complicated by a woman and her granddaughter, N’Rae, on a mission to rescue the woman’s son trapped in a chamber of sleep. Bardon learns that more of Paladin’s knights are imprisoned–and suspects one of them is Dragon Keeper Kale’s missing father.

The secret is in their hands–and hearts.

SNEAK PEEK: GOD GAVE US YOU by Lisa Tawn Bergren

Read the first pages of God Gave Us You by Lisa Tawn Bergren

About God Gave Us You

When a charming polar bear cub climbs into bed one night, she asks her Mama a very important question–one that little “human cubs” often wonder about, too: “Where did I come from?”

As Mama bear tucks her youngest cub under the quilts, she gently, tenderly, and reassuringly communicates the message loving parents everywhere (bears and non-bears alike) want their little ones to hear: “We wanted you very, very much, and we are so very glad because—God gave us you.”

Perfect for bedtime, naptime, storytime or anytime, God Gave Us You provides a valuable opportunity to build children’s self-esteem every day and assure each one that he or she truly is a welcomed, precious, and treasured gift from the Lord.