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Read the first chapter of Wild Goose Chase!

Most of us have no idea where we’re going most of the time. Perfect.

“Celtic Christians had a name for the Holy Spirit–An Geadh-Glas, or ‘the Wild Goose.’ The name hints at mystery. Much like a wild goose, the Spirit of God cannot be tracked or tamed. An element of danger, an air of unpredictability surround Him. And while the name may sound a little sacrilegious, I cannot think of a better description of what it’s like to follow the Spirit through life. I think the Celtic Christians were on to something….

Most of us will have no idea where we are going most of the time. And I know that is unsettling. But [ … ]

SNEAK PEEK: Visioneering by Andy Stanley

Click here to download Chapter 1 of Visioneering!

Vision is a preferred future. A destination. Vision always stands in contrast to the world as it is. Visioneering, according to bestselling author Andy Stanley, is “a clear mental picture of what could be, fueled by the conviction that it should be.” With warm, down-to-earth practicality, Andy Stanley explores the ordinary life of Nehemiah and his God-given vision for accomplishing the extraordinary. He shows how the life of this great ancient visionary, determined to rebuild the ruined walls of Jerusalem, reveals principles that can prepare us to find and follow God’s multifaceted vision for our own lives. Now this bestseller is again available in an attractive, affordable paperback!

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SNEAK PEEK: Treasure by Lisa Tawn Bergren

Click here to read/download the first chapter

Ever since her days as an undergrad student at Harvard, where she roomed with Bryn Bailey (Pathways)–nautical archaeologist Dr. Christina Alvarez has been obsessed with finding her ancestor’s sunken treasure ship and striking underwater gold. Determined to achieve her goal, Christina has traveled to the Caribbean island of Robert’s Foe, where treasure hunter Mitch Crawford–the one man who can assist her–refuses to help. But Christina’s fight to win Mitch over may lead them both to a Treasure more valuable than either one of them ever dreamed.

Click here to read/download the first chapter


Read the first chapter of the Treasure Principle.

Bestselling author Randy Alcorn introduced readers to a revolution in material freedom and radical generosity with the release of the original The Treasure Principle in 2001. Now the revision to the compact, perennial bestseller includes a provocative new concluding chapter depicting God asking a believer questions about his stewardship over material resources. Readers are moved from the realms of thoughtful Bible exposition into the highly personal arena of everyday life.


Read the first chapter of the Sierra Jensen Collection, Volume 1.

She’s the bold, free-spirited type. She’s cute, she’s fun, and she’s following God. She’s Sierra Jensen, Christy Miller’s good friend, ready for her junior year of high school! All twelve books in the popular Sierra Jensen series come together in four volumes to reveal the ups and downs of Sierra’s incredible God-led journey!

Volume One: In Only You, Sierra, she’s nervous to be the “new girl” after her family moves to Portland and wonders if meeting Paul in London was only by chance. Just when everything important seems to elude her, all it takes is one weekend In Your Dreams to prove otherwise. But even a vacation doesn’t keep her troubles away in Don’t You [ … ]

SNEAK PEEK: Shadow Government, Chapter One

Click here to read Chapter 1 of the Shadow Government

Security cameras, surveillance of your financial transactions, radio frequency spy chips hidden in consumer products, tracking of your Internet searches, and eavesdropping on your e-mail and phone calls. Without your knowledge or consent, every aspect of your life is observed and recorded. But who is watching the watchers?
An ultra-secret global elite, functioning as a very real shadow government, controls technology, finance, international law, world trade, political power, and vast military capabilities. Those who hold power are invisible to all but a few insiders.

Click here to read Chapter 1 of the Shadow Government

SNEAK PEEK: Lord Foulgrin’s Letters

Click here to download Chapter 1 of Lord Foulgrins Letters

This repack of Randy Alcorn’s gripping bestseller delivers us from ignorance of the devil’s schemes. Foulgrin, a high-ranking demon, instructs his subordinate on how to deceive and destroy Jordan Fletcher and his family. It’s like placing a bugging device in hell’s war room, where we overhear our enemies assessing our weaknesses and strategizing attack. Lord Foulgrin’s Letters is a Screwtape Letters for our day, equally fascinating yet destinctly different — a dramatic story with earthly characters, setting, and plot.

Click here to download Chapter 1 of Lord Foulgrins Letters

SNEAK PEEK: Limelight by Melody Carlson

Click here to read chapter one of Limelight

Claudette Fioré used to turn heads and break hearts. She relished the glamorous Hollywood lifestyle because she had what it takes: money, youth, fame, and above all, beauty. But age has withered that beauty, and a crooked accountant has taken her wealth, leaving the proud widow penniless and alone.
Armed with stubbornness and sarcasm, Claudette returns to her shabby little hometown and her estranged sister. Slowly, she makes friends. She begins to see her old life in a new light. For the first time, Claudette Fioré questions her own values and finds herself wondering if it’s too late to change

Click here to read chapter one of Limelight