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SNEAK PEEK: Giant Killers by Dennis Jernigan

Overcome the persistent problems in your life.

Click here to download chapter one of Giant Killers.

In Giant Killers you’ll meet Goliath and other giants in the Bible that represent overwhelming problems that plague everyone–fear, discouragement, shame, and more. And you’ll discover five God-given “stones” that, when fired from a sling, are sure to fell these giants.

Click here to download chapter one of Giant Killers.


SNEAK PEEK: Clutter-Free Christianity by Robert Jeffress

When did the Christian life become so complicated?

Click here to download chapter one of Clutter-Free Christianity.

It’s time to cut through the clutter and get to the heart of what it means to please God. In this liberating look at the core principles of faith, Dr. Robert Jeffress reveals the truth about what God really wants from you–and what He wants to do for you.

Click here to download chapter one of Clutter-Free Christianity.



Read the first chapter of The Chasm.

A journey he couldn’t miss… and a step he couldn’t take

The Chasm represents the most profound episode in Randy Alcorn’s fiction. This fast-paced story portrays a man caught in another world—where he discovers a truth we all must someday face. It’s an allegorical tale where we see that sometimes it takes getting far enough way before we recognize reality.



Click Here to download a sneak peek for God Gave Us the World by Lisa Tawn Bergren

About God Gave Us the World

Little Cub’s trip to a special museum exhibit, “Bears Around the World,” sparks a flurry of questions from the young polar bear who is just beginning to learn about life beyond her North Pole home.

As Mama Bear shares with her about the different types of places that God has put the various types of bears, with their different kinds of fur and food, Little Cub begins to wonder: Why didn’t God make us all the same?

With Mama’s loving guidance, Little Cub is taught to see the vastness of God’s wonderful creation; His abilities as an amazing, inventive Creator; His desire for us to care for our world, and especially the important lesson [ … ]

SNEEK PEAK: When Families Pray by Cheri Fuller

A Parent’s Greatest Responsibility

Click here to download chapter one of When Families Pray.

Yet in this era of high-speed communication, few of them know how to connect their own families with God. Cheri Fuller shows how to discover the essence of prayer and experience the joy of communing with the Savior, as a family, for life.

Click here to download chapter one of When Families Pray.