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SNEAK PEEK: Love & War by John and Stasi Eldredge

Marriage is fabulously hard.

 Click here to download chapter one of Love and War.

With astonishing vulnerability that engages readers from the first page, John and Stasi Eldredge openly discuss their own marriage and the breakthroughs they have won from the challenges they’ve faced.

Click here to download chapter one of Love and War.

SNEAK PEEK: Indelible by Kristen Heitzmann

A heroic rescue, a tender relationship, and a day of reckoning

 Click here to download chapter one of Indelible.

The lives of Trevor and Natalie converge when he rescues her nephew from the jaws of a mountain lion, an event that leads to a clash of light and darkness and illuminates the tenacity of love.

Click here to download chapter one of Indelible.

DOWNLOAD: Where Lilacs Still Bloom Devotionals

Jane Kirkpatrick is known for looking at fiction through the lens of strong women in our country’s history. The same is true for her latest book, WHERE LILACS STILL BLOOM, where she shares the life of Hulda Klager.

Hulga Klager’s life-long passion for beauty and knowledge becomes the story of how the generosity of sharing one’s gifts transforms the lives of family, a community, and far beyond.

From Where Lilacs Still Bloom:

“Beauty matters… it does. God gave us flowers for a reason. Flowers remind us to put away fear, to stop our rushing and running and worrying about this and that, and for a moment, have a piece of paradise right here on earth.”

Drawing on the themes of generosity, sorrow, kindness, and perseverance found in the life of this remarkable woman, Jane Kirkpatrick brings us devotional thoughts:

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NEWS: Kristen Anderson Shares Story With U.K.’s The Guardian

Multnomah author Kristen Anderson recently shared her story with a U.K. newspaper, The Guardian, telling how she survived a suicide attempt at the age of 17 .  Read the rest of her story in her book, Life, In Spite of Me (Multnomah Books, 2010) and hear how God changed her life and gave her healing and hope. Kristen now shares that hope with others through her ministry, Reaching You, which works to prevent teen suicide by offering hope to those in depair. Click here to read the article.

NEWS: Kristen Anderson on BBC’s “Outlook”

Kristen Anderson, author of Life, In Spite of Me (Multnomah Books, 2010) was featured on BBC’s “Outlook,” a 40-million listener worldwide radio broadcast that features extraordinary personal stories. Kristen told part of the story from her book of how she survived a suicide attempt at the age of 17 and the way God brought her out of her depression and gave her a life of hope and fullness, even living with a handicap.  Now, many years later, Kristen shares the hope she experienced with others.

Kristen was featured on the Friday, March 18th, 2011 episode. Listen online here.