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READING GUIDE: Shadows on the Sand by Gayle Roper

pdf_1002At last, the sisters are reunited! The youngest Sinclair, the family“ baby”, is moving from Maine to Cripple Creek, Colorado and joining Kat, Nell, and Ida. But Vivian is a young woman with a will of her own, and made some decisions back in Portland that have begun to haunt her. Will she be able to live up to the expectations of her three perfect and now happily-settled sisters?

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Learn more about Shadows on the Sand

READING GUIDE: Restless in Carolina by Tamara Leigh

pdf_1002The Pickwick family has a chance to make things right—even as their financial situation forces a sale of the property. And when Bridget tries to help find the right buyer, she realizes there’s more at stake than simple real estate. Like old secrets, big money, and family feuds. It will take a deep breath and a lot of forgiveness to make it happen.

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Learn more about Restless in Carolina

SNEAK PEEK: Diary of a Teenage Girl – Becoming Me by Melody Carlson

I heard somewhere that when you write in a diary you should pretend that you’re writing a letter to a really good friend, someone you trust completely…

Click here to download an excerpt from Becoming Me

In the fictional Diary of a Teenage Girl, sixteen-year-old Caitlin O’Conner reveals the inner workings of a girl caught between childhood and womanhood … an empty life without Christ and a meaningful one with Him.

Follow Caitlin as she makes her way from New Year’s to the first day of summer — surviving a challenging home life, changing friends, school pressures, an identity crisis, and the uncertainties of “true love.” You’ll cry with Caitlin as she experiences heartache, and cheer for her [ … ]

SNEAK PEEK: Spark by Jason Jaggard

Develop the Art of Self-Challenge

Click here to download the first chapter of Spark now.

Tired of dreaming about changing your life? Ready to change it? You came to the right place.
Jason Jaggard has developed a simple, direct way to practice the art of self-challenge. It requires a willingness to take healthy risks and is energized by the involvement of a small group of fellow risk-takers.
Here are just a few of the Spark insights that lead to lasting change:
· More resources are available to you than you realize.
· Living a changed life works best when a few friends get involved.
· When you relearn what “good” is, you experience [ … ]

SNEAK PEEK: Waiting for Morning by Karen Kingsbury

“I’m afraid there’s been a car accident…”

Click here to download an excerpt from Waiting for Morning now.

As Hannah Ryan waits for her family to return home from a camping trip, she realizes she has everything going for her—a husband other women admire, two charming teenage daughters, and a loving Christian home. As the sunny afternoon turns into twilight, her uneasiness grows along with the shadows. Then a car pulls into Hannah’s driveway, bringing two police officers…and devastating news that shatters her life forever.

Click here to download an excerpt from Waiting for Morning now.

SNEAK PEEK: Secrets of the Vine Bible Study by Bruce Wilkinson

Step into God’s vineyard.

Click here to download an excerpt from Secrets of the Vine Bible Study now.

In the Secrets of the Vine Bible Study, Bruce Wilkinson shows groups or individual readers how the three Secrets of the Vine introduced in the bestselling book are supported throughout Scripture, applying sound biblical insight to help them move toward making maximum impact for God. This Bible study provides a personal encounter with the life-changing teaching of Jesus in John 15, an inspiring look at God’s intervention in His children’s lives from Bible times to the present, a practical approach to a meaningful relationship with Him, and a visual and interactive learning tool for individual or group use.

Click here to [ … ]

SNEAK PEEK: Really Bad Girls of the Bible by Liz Curtis Higgs

When it comes to badness, there’s nothing new under the sun.

Click here to download an excerpt from Really Bad Girls of the Bible now.

In Really Bad Girls of the Bible, Liz reveals the power of God’s sovereignty in the lives of eight shady ladies we know by reputation but have rarely studied in depth: Bathsheba, the bathing beauty. Jael, the tent-peg-toting warrior princess. Herodias, the horrible beheader. Tamar, the widow and not-so-timid temptress. Athaliah, the deadly daughter of Jezebel. And three ancient women whose names we do not know but who have much to teach us: the ashamed Adulteress, the bewitching Medium of En Dor, and the desperate Bleeding Woman.

The eye-opening stories of these eight “Really Bad” women demonstrate [ … ]