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NEWS: Foursquare Church Reviews “The Necessity of An Enemy”

“Carpenter challenges the traditional perspective that circumstances, people, sin or character flaws get in the way of God’s plan. Instead, he suggests that those very enemies are ‘an announcement that the next stage of your future is about to be born,'” states Foursquare Church in its review of The Necessity of An Enemy by Ron Carpenter. Click here to read more.

You Still Got It

Resist the urge to say you’re too old, too young, too busy, too scared, too worn out, too washed up, too anything to be useful to God. Truth is, you’ve always been part of his love-the-world plan. Need proof? From the day he formed you in your mother’s womb, God has watched over your every step, making sure you got where you needed to go.

When you stumbled, it was God who steadied you.
When you fell, it was God who rescued you.
When you lost your way, it was God who carried you home.
Why? Because he knows you fully, loves you completely, and holds you close to his heart. God will never give up on you, my sister. You claim a special place in his Big Picture.

As the book of Proverbs says, “You can [ … ]

Secure in God’s Love

I lived the first three decades of my life like an insecure adolescent, forever picking daisies and tearing them apart, never stopping to enjoy their beauty. He loves me, He loves me not, I would say subconsciously, plucking a petal as I weighed my behavior and attitudes against what the Bible said I should be.

Powerful church services and sweet altar times. Ah, I felt secure in His love. Real life and less-than-sweet responses? I felt lost and all alone. Unfortunately, all I got from constantly questioning God’s love was a fearful heart and a pile of torn, wilted petals. My overzealous self-analysis never brought the peace I longed for.

Because the peace you and I were created for doesn’t come from picking daisies. It only comes from a living relationship with a loving God.

Excerpted fromLazarus Awakening by Joanna [ … ]

Contentment through Flexibility

In a letter to friends at Philippi, the battered apostle [Paul] revealed his “secret”—doing all things through Him. There’s something commendable in that approach to life. There are simply some things—whatever our disability or life situation might be—about which we need to be flexible.

Leaning on the strength of his Lord, Paul learned to be satisfied. With an empty stomach or a full one. In days of health or when he had to depend on others in his disability. In the comfortable homes of dear Christian friends or deep in the bowels of a Roman dungeon. In Christ, he was flexible. And because of that flexibility, God blessed him with great contentment.

Excerpted from Secret Strength by Joni Eareckson Tada

Daily Reflection:

In what situation in your life do you need to work on flexibility?

The Holy Spirit’s Friendship

More than the gifts the Holy Spirit brings, I want you to know the amazing person of the Holy Spirit! Fellowship, communion, and intimacy—in other words, the friendship—with the Holy Spirit is the greatest blessing of all.

The Holy Spirit is not mystical. He’s practical. He wants to come and help you every day. He wants to be your walk-beside, talk-to-every-moment, comforting, empowering best friend!

My prayer is that you won’t spend another day in meager cheese-and crackers Christianity when a banquet of gifts and empowerments has already been purchased for you. He came with the purchase of your ticket to heaven.

Is the Holy Spirit your best friend? He can be today.

Excerpted from The God I Never Knew by Robert Morris

Daily Reflection:

What practical step can you take to begin viewing the Holy Spirit as [ … ]

Life Without Limits

Too often we tell ourselves we aren’t smart enough or attractive enough or talented enough to pursue our dreams. We buy into what others say about us, or we put restrictions on ourselves. What’s worse is that when you consider yourself unworthy, you are putting limits on how God can work through you!

When you give up on your dreams, you put God in a box. After all, you are His creation. He made you for a purpose. Therefore your life cannot be limited any more than God’s love can be contained.

Excerpted from Life Without Limits by Nick Vujicic

Daily Reflection:

What “impossible” dreams do you need to trust God for?