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NEWS: Liz Curtis Higgs Cover Story in Christian Retailing Magazine


Popular Bible study teacher, speaker and New York Times bestselling author Liz Curtis Higgs is featured this month on the cover of Christian Retailing Magazine. The article highlights how instrumental Christian bookstores have been in both Higgs’ personal spiritual growth and in her professional life. In the 30 years since Higgs became a follower of Christ, she has written 30 books with more than 4.5 million in print. She credits the ministry of Christian retailers in helping readers discover her work, including her signature title Bad Girls of the Bible, which re-releases this month.

“They became my go-to source. They filled my arms with books and I was so grateful,” Higgs says in regards to Christian bookstores after she came to know Christ in 1982. To show her appreciation Liz is doing a “Thank You Tour” [ … ]

Ordinary’s Dream

“Not long ago and not far away, a Nobody named Ordinary lived in the Land of Familiar.

Every day was pretty much the same for Ordinary. In the mornings he got up and went to his Usual Job. After work, he ate almost the same dinner he’d eaten the evening before. Then he sat in his recliner and watched the box that mesmerized most Nobodies on most nights…

Time passed. Then one morning Ordinary woke up with these words echoing in his mind: What you’re missing, you already have…

Could it be? Ordinary looked and looked. And then he discovered that in a small corner of his heart lay a Big Dream. The Big Dream told him that he, a Nobody, was made to be a Somebody and destined to achieve Great Things…

Then he had a surprising idea. Could [ … ]

Doing Small Hard Things

“Doing hard things is how we exercise our bodies, our minds, and our faith. Small hard things are the individual repetitions— like a single push-up. They are seemingly insignificant by themselves but guaranteed to get results over time…

That’s where the ‘do hard things’ mentality comes in. It reminds us that sometimes the smallest things can be the hardest things and that the purpose of effort is to gain strength. Being faithful in the smallest things is the way to gain, maintain, and demonstrate the strength needed to accomplish something great.”

Excerpted from Do Hard Things by Alex and Brett Harris

Daily Reflection: What small things can you work at this week?

NEWS: “Turn Your Down Into Up” Author Discusses Dealing With the Blues

Author GregoryL.  Jantz, Ph. D. discusses how to fight and overcome the blues on “New Day Northwest.” His book Turning Your Down Into Up: A Realistic Plan for Healing from Depression is available July 16.

Discover practical way to resist the blues before they lead to depression,  click here to learn more.



Less Worry, More Time

“Here’s the problem with fear. It likes to hang around with a companion known as worry. Fear and worry work in tandem, like Batman and Robin. And before you know it, you find yourself caught up in a horrible game of ‘What if?’ These are two very powerful emotions. Worry is one of the most destructive forces a person can experience. Modern medical research has shown that worry breaks down our resistance to disease.

More than that, it can actually create diseases of the nervous system, the digestive organs, and the heart. It’s been said that excessive worry can literally shorten human life.

Isn’t that ironic? Because one of the very things we may be worrying about is how long we will live! …A life filled with anxiety and worry can slice years off your life, and life off your [ … ]