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To Know God

Christianity is not just about adhering to a set of doctrines (although it is built on distinctive beliefs), nor is it just about living ethically (although moral choices are encouraged and expected), nor is it just about following a set of religious practices (although taking part in worship services, for example, is important). Christianity is first and foremost about a relationship to God—knowing him truly and personally.

One important distinction surfaces immediately: the difference between knowing about God and knowing God. I know many things about the current president of the United States: his likes and dislikes; his views on important issues; details about his family life, background, and so on. Most of this information has come to me through reading, watching news programs, or talking to people who know more about him than I do. I’ve never met the [ … ]

Do we see ourselves as we really are?

For most of us, the inability to accept ourselves is more debilitating than an inability to forgive ourselves. Whenever we sense—through conscious thought or through beyond-the-conscious-mind awareness—that the parts of our Self system are inconsistent, we feel anxious. With that anxiety comes a threat to the Self, and we try to defend against it.

Struggles with self-acceptance usually occur because our concept of our real self does not match up well with our ideal self. This might be because we are ashamed of things we did in the past. We can’t understand or accept how we could have done something like that. Or we have done wrong within the range of typical human behavior, yet hold unrealistic ideals that are satisfied with nothing less than our own perfection. The conceptual inconsistencies often spring from the contrast between the true self, [ … ]

NEWS: Review Raves for “What Once Was Lost”


The Christian Manifesto states about award-winning author Kim Vogel Sawyer’s new novel, What Once Was Lost:

“This story was by far my favorite by this author. I got dragged in so completely that I devoured this book and was sad to put it down. The thing I loved most about the story was the gritty and realistic feeling throughout it. I never once felt that something was unrealistic or implausible. The author’s descriptions and amazing character development kept this story at a good pace and made my mind’s eye go crazy with color and feelings. I loved this storyline so much!”

To read more of the review, please click here.

Your life was meant for something more!

“But don’t just listen to God’s word. You must do what it says. Otherwise, you are only fooling yourselves.” (James 1:22, NLT)

“Just as we’re consumers of clothing and movies and huge homes and electronic gadgets, we become consumers of all things biblical. Consume, consume, consume—without ever living out the truths we’re consuming.

Guess what? God says there’s something more to life and to this whole adventure of faith. God calls us to a deeper faith, a more active faith—a faith that’s demonstrated through our actions and our lifestyle. Your life was meant for something more!”

Excerpted from Ten Days Without: Daring Adventures in Discomfort That Will Change Your World and You by Daniel Ryan Day

Daily Reflection: As Christians we’re called to live differently; but how can we do this amid all the consumer-focused excess [ … ]

SNEAK PEEK: The Power of a Half Hour by Tommy Barnett

This Christmas, experience learning to trust alongside the Plain folk of Apple Ridge, Pennsylvania in this heart-warming tale of second chances. – See more at:
Gideon O’Riley has been given another chance at a life with Lonnie. But will the fight for her heart risk it all over again? – See more at:

Turn your fleeting minutes into defining moments.

Turn your fleeting minutes into defining moments.

Click here to download chapter one of The Power of a Half Hour.

[ … ]

Balancing Work and Family

“Contentment is found neither in the marketplace nor the family alone. It’s found when we align our priorities with his as it relates to both areas of responsibility. There’s nothing honoring to God about the workaholic who neglects his or her family. But the man or woman who refuses to provide for the family brings no honor to him either. Clearly we don’t have the luxury of choosing one or the other, since both are a permanent part of our lives. Both demand more attention than we have to give. Both originated with our Creator.”

Excerpted from When Work and Family Collide: Keeping Your Job from Cheating Your Family by Andy Stanley

Daily Reflection: In what ways do you most often experience the tension between work and family?

DOWNLOAD: Raising Boys by Design HERO Activity

pdf_1002Want to see the HERO qualities of Raising Boys by Design by Gregory L. Jantz, PhD and Michael Gurian in action? Download the HERO Activity here and learn how Joseph developed the qualities of a HERO and then exemplified them throughout his story in the Bible–perfect for classes and Sunday school or to do with your son at home.