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NEWS: Robin Jones Gunn Featured in More To Life Magazine

Robin Jones Gunn, author of the popular Christy Miller series that started 25 years ago, announced in her featured article in More To Life Magazine that she will be continuing the popular saga of Christy and Todd into their married life. Gunn writes, “I’m over-the-moon happy to say that I’ve started writing a new tale about Christy and Todd in their married years.”

To read the entire article, go to

Beautiful messes

Christians don’t like mess much, not in our world and especially not in ourselves or our churches. Somewhere along the line, we have embraced a picture of a Jesus who would turn us into perfect people unpolluted by the world or our own sin. But He didn’t. In Him we are new creations; in ourselves we are dump dwellers. Longing for our full redemption, we strive to please Him and groan in our fallenness and bask in His beauty. For whatever reason, Jesus didn’t choose to instantly sanitize the whole lot of us. We often think He did, though, so we spend a lot of time running around with mops and buckets, getting ready for a bunk inspection. In our kingdoms, we begin to believe that we can fix all our messes. In Jesus’ kingdom, He alone can start with [ … ]

God’s better plan

… I’ve got some really great news for you. It’s all wrapped up in the one sentence that best describes my own life: Because God is good, your life will not turn out like you planned.

That’s because God has a better plan. A much better plan. So what is this plan, and how can you make it your own?

God’s plan is made up of strikingly relevant, time-tested lessons written down and preserved for us in the Bible. It pulsates with stories about men who released and sustained the passion of their faith. They became the men God created them to be.

And you can too.

Excerpted from How God Makes Men by Patrick Morley

Daily Reflection: When was the last time you turned to the Bible for mentors?

NEWS: Focus on the Family to Rebroadcast “Cleaning House” Author in Best of 2013 Series

Focus on the Family is re-broadcasting their top radio segments in a Best of 2013 series. We’re proud to announce that FIVE of our authors have made it into the top radio programs in the year of 2013. And Kay Wyma is one of them!

  On November 26-27th, Kay’s original broadcasts will be aired one more time on the Focus on the Family radio. (If you’d like to tune in live, check your local station for times).  

You can listen to the original broadcasts here:

Eradicating the Entitlement Mentality 1

Eradicating the Entitlement Mentality 2

The Prayer That Stopped the Sun

Today’s Bible reading: Joshua 10:1–14

Right here on Day 1, I’m going to throw out a challenge to you: If you’re not daring to believe God for the impossible, you’re sleeping through some of the best parts of your Christian life. And further
still, if the size of your vision for your life isn’t intimidating to you, there’s a good chance it’s insulting to God. You should be living by audacious faith every day. Audacity is not just for “elite Christians.”
It’s intended for every believer. So today we’re beginning a spiritual journey toward trusting God for what seems impossible. I’m thrilled to think about what it’s going to do for our lives and our world.

A story from the life of Joshua serves as our template for audacious faith.

The Israelites unleash a surprise attack on the [ … ]

Where Are You?

If you are having a hard time trusting God, ask him to ease your fears. Ask him to heal your distrust. Then do your part. Look at the people who have betrayed you. Find out how much their influence affects your lack of trust. And do not allow those problems to rob you of a full relationship with God.

Then ask yourself, “What am I afraid of?” Examine your motives and explore what great things could come even if your worst fears were realized. Do whatever it takes to grow in your trust in God.

Make a bold move and trust God today. Surrender more and more to him. You will not be disappointed. Your trust will not spare you from the evils of the world, but it will protect you from a life without purpose. And under God’s plan, [ … ]

Escape the Overcompensation Rut

“Overcompensation is a form of bondage that is fueled by fear. God wants you free from the extremes of life and balanced in your approach to life. Experiences happen that breed insecurities, but you can choose how you respond to the insecurities stemming from past failures, mistakes, and doubts. You don’t have to be controlled by your feelings. You are going to doubt yourself sometimes. You’ll feel insecure sometimes. But feeling insecure and acting on that insecurity are two separate issues.”
Excerpted from Why Not You? by Valorie Burton

Daily Reflection: In what ways have you been overcompensating for a past failure, insecurity, or mistake? How can you move away from these extremes and towards a balanced life?