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SNEAK PEEK: I Like Giving by Brad Formsma

This Christmas, experience learning to trust alongside the Plain folk of Apple Ridge, Pennsylvania in this heart-warming tale of second chances. – See more at:
Gideon O’Riley has been given another chance at a life with Lonnie. But will the fight for her heart risk it all over again? – See more at:
Turn your fleeting minutes into defining moments.
They were two of Jesus’s closest friends. Each had something to offer Him. But one offered “the better part.” – See more at:
When you choose to live a generous life, you start to change the world around you. Something incredible happens when giving is our idea and not a duty or obligation. – See more at:

When you choose to live a generous life, you [ … ]

From Good Intentions to Actions

My life was full of good intentions—those things we write down in journals and share with friends or family, the important ideas that make us feel good about ourselves, the things we know we’re “supposed” to do as followers of Christ. But for too many of us, our good intentions never become good actions. Without action, good intentions don’t move us forward, draw us closer to God, or make a difference in the world. Good intentions are cans of paint that could have become amazing works of art—but never did.

Excerpted from Ten Days Without by Daniel Ryan Day

Daily Reflection: What are some of the fears or distractions that are keeping you from doing those good intentions you find yourself talking about?


 What if the pain of the past revealed an unknown sacrifice that changes everything?

Click here to read chapter one of A Stillness of Chimes.

When teacher Laura Gantt comes home to Prospect, Georgia to settle her recently-deceased mother’s household, the last thing she expects to encounter is a swirl of rumors about the father she lost to the lake twelve years ago—that he has reportedly been seen around town. Elliott Gantt’s body was never found and he was presumed dead.


Don’t Give Up

Don’t give up. Believe the gospel. God is sovereignly orchestrating your life. Nothing done to you by human decision can ever be done apart from God’s will. Whatever others have meant for evil, He will use it for good.

Always remember this: Joseph carried his pain for over two decades until God revealed the liberating truth that nothing can happen to us by human decision apart from His knowledge and father-like concern. That’s what the Bible says. Not even one sparrow can fall to the ground apart from His will.

What have you been carrying around, and for how long? Whatever it is, God wants you to know that He is making you into part of His larger plan to redeem this world and bring glory to His name. That’s who you are.

Trust Him and wait for Him, and [ … ]

The Goodness of the Lord

I believe that I shall see the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living. –Psalm 27:13

Psalm 27:13 starts out "I believe…" That is the basis for faith. Faith is one of those things that defies description. To one who doesn’t believe, it seems irrational, maybe even foolish. But those who possess it know it’s the foundation of our lives. When faced with trials, I often find myself longing for Heaven, where no sadness or suffering can touch me or the ones I love. But even so, I believe God is HERE with me NOW and I will see Him work good in the most painful situation. That is faith. And it’s a beautiful thing.

Original Devotional by Kim Vogel Sawyer, Author of What Once Was Lost

Daily Reflection: How do you find strength through [ … ]

SNEAK PEEK: The Quilted Heart Omnibus by Mona Hodgson

This Christmas, experience learning to trust alongside the Plain folk of Apple Ridge, Pennsylvania in this heart-warming tale of second chances. – See more at:
Gideon O’Riley has been given another chance at a life with Lonnie. But will the fight for her heart risk it all over again? – See more at:
Turn your fleeting minutes into defining moments.
They were two of Jesus’s closest friends. Each had something to offer Him. But one offered “the better part.” – See more at:

Like a beautiful patchwork quilt, the three novellas in The Quilted Heart tell stories of lives stitched together with love and God’s unending grace.

Click here to download chapter one of The Quilted Heart.

[ … ]

Longing for a Mary Heart

“Having a Mary Heart in a Martha World. The thought intrigues you. Deep inside of you there is a hunger, a calling, to know and love God. To truly know Jesus Christ and the fellowship of the Spirit. You’re not after more head knowledge—it’s heart-to-heart intimacy you long for.
Yet a part of you hangs back. Exhausted, you wonder how to find the strength or time. Nurturing your spiritual life seems like one more duty—one more thing to add to a life that is spilling over with responsibilities…

‘He’s up there somewhere,’ you say, swaying slightly as you peer upward, uncertain how to begin or if you even want to attempt the long, dizzy climb. But to do nothing means you will miss what your heart already knows: There is more to this Christian walk than you’ve experienced. And [ … ]

NEWS: Focus on the Family to Rebroadcast “Hero: Becoming the Man She Desires” Author in Best of 2013 Series

 Focus on the Family is re-broadcasting their top radio segments in a Best of 2013 series. We’re proud to announce that FIVE of our authors have made it into the Best of series, including Fred Stoeker!

  On January 8-9th & 13th, 2014, Fred’s original broadcasts will be aired one more time on the Focus on the Family radio daily program. (If you’d like to tune in live, go here to find a local station.)   

You can listen to the original broadcasts here:

Maintaining Sexual Purity 1

Maintaining Sexual Purity 2