Be love crazy
You see, the prescription for your Craving will not be found in white-knuckling your way out of boy-craziness. It won’t be found in legalistically “fasting from guys” without feeding your true need for love. It’s not going to work for you to deny your deep and genuine desire. The best place for you to begin is to stand on your bed and shout at the top of your lungs: I need love!
Go ahead. Give it a try. Be love crazy!
The next stepand I’m here to helpwould be to redirect your heart to the right source. As Beth pointed out, “Interestingly, the Word of God uses the phrase ‘unfailing love” thirty-two other times, and not one of them refers to any source other than God, Himself.”4 God alone holds the answer to the Craving for love. He is our Source. He is enough.
Excerpted from Get Lost by Dannah Gresh
Daily Reflection: How will you show God that He is enough?