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NEWS: Author of “The Male Factor” Shaunti Feldhahn Offers Tips on

Author Shaunti Feldhahn of The Male Factor offers tips in article on “6 Ways To Impress Your Boss.” Feldhahn who graduated from Harvard and worked on Wall Street, also led nationwide surveys and confidential interviews with more than 3,000 men, ranging from corporate CEOs to factory workers. To read her advice on how to get ahead in the workplace, click here.

SNEAK PEEK: Free Yourself, Be Yourself by Alan D. Wright


Click here to download the first chapter of Free Yourself, Be Yourself now.

Laugh, cry, struggle, relate, and be set free as Alan Wright invites you to discover his simple solution—how to release your pride and shame to Jesus, banish fear, and accept unconditional love and acceptance to live as you were meant to live.

Click here to download the first chapter of Free Yourself, Be Yourself now.


SNEAK PEEK: Beyond by Greg Laurie

The Experience God Has for You Is Beyond Anything You Could Imagine…

Click here to download the first chapter of Beyond now.

Don’t let anything stop you from strengthening the most important relationship of your life. Drawing closer to God starts right here–with warm, clear, Bible-based devotionals on the core issues of your faith.

Click here to download the first chapter of Beyond now.

SNEAK PEEK: Soul Obsession by Nicky Cruz

God’s Primary Pursuit

Click here to download the first chapter of Soul Obsession now.

You, too, can move past doubts, understand both the natural and supernatural worlds, and develop a faith that can move any mountain, no matter how high or wide or difficult.

Click here to download the first chapter of Soul Obsession now.

SNEAK PEEK: Never Say Diet by Chantel Hobbs

It worked for Chantel and it will work for you.

Click here to download the first chapter of Never Say Diet now.

You will find straight talk on developing the determination, commitment, and personal responsibility it takes to achieve weight loss that lasts. It’s time to stop getting ready for the event and start getting ready for life!

Click here to download the first chapter of Never Say Diet now.

SNEAK PEEK: Dare to Drop the Pose by Craig Groeschel

Is the REAL you getting lost because the FAKE you is just so annoyingly impressive?

Click here to download the first chapter of Dare to Drop the Pose now.

Craig’s passionate, funny, warts-and-all confessions and the lessons he learned will help you find you own path to authentic living and a deeper relationship with God.

Click here to download the first chapter of Dare to Drop the Pose now.

DOWNLOAD: Healing Truths to Remember from Kay Arthur

pdf_1002Where Can You Turn for Hope When the Hurt Runs Deep?

Discover the Life-Preserving Words from God: Persevere. Endure. Exult.

These are three good verbs from God’s Word. They are words that describe the path God desires for every one of His sons and daughters…even when the hurt runs deep. It is faith, beloved, that preserves your soul, your life. Dig deep into the Word of God so that you might know and understand who God is, know and believe what He says, and then live accordingly.

To get started, download Healing Truths to Remember, excerpted from When the Hurt Runs Deep.

Sample study questions to further your journey of healing through the study of God’s Word. Download here.


Read the first chapter of Awakening. Includes the Foreword by Craig Groeschel.

This year will be the best of your life if it is your best year spiritually.

Awakening helps you stir up your slumbering soul.  You’ll discover how to break out of your season of dryness or get off to a great start either in the New Year or the next season in life. Take your faith-walk from a “going through the motions” or “have to” mindset to the stimulating, fresh “want to” experience of enjoying God’s presence—24/7.