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SNEAK PEEK: Sent by Hilary Alan

Two words from Jesus change everything.

Click here to download chapter one of Sent.

Sent tells the story of ordinary Christians who accepted two words from Jesus at face value and found that it changed everything. In Jesus’s call to “follow me,” the Alans discovered answers to the most pressing human needs: meaning, purpose, vocation, significance, and God’s plan for the future. For the Alans, it meant selling nearly all their belongings and moving with their children half-way around the world. For you, the particulars will be completely different, but no less significant.

Click here to download chapter one of Sent.

NEWS: Neurologist & Professor at University of Pittsburgh Medical Center Reviews “God of All Creation”

Dr. Dawn A. Marcus, M.D., board-certified neurologist and professor at the University of Pittsburgh Medical Center, reviews God of All Creation on her website Fit As Fido.

Dr. Marcus states, “If you’re looking for a daily devotional to combine your love of life, God, and your favorite animals, this is it.”

To read her review, click here

SNEAK PEEK: I Am Not But I Know I Am (Trade Paperback) by Louie Giglio

God is looking for ordinary people to play significant roles in His story.

Click here to download chapter one of I Am Not But I Know I Am trade paperback edition. 

Our God is more expansive and powerful than we could ever imagine, the all-mighty creator of galaxies beyond our reach. But He is also the loving creator who has formed and fashioned you.  Yet, as valuable as you are to Him, God’s best for your life is to invite you into a story that is all about Him.

Now updated with all new content to encourage you in your quest to live for what matters most.

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