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DOWNLOAD: God Gave Us Easter Coloring Page

The newest in the beloved God Gave Us series by Lisa T. Bergren, God Gave Us Easter, will be available January 15, 2013! Begin the journey toward Easter early with this downloadable coloring page from the book.

Click to download the God Gave Us Easter coloring page.

If you want even more coloring fun with Biblical truths from this series, click here.

NEWS: “Cleaning House” Featured on “Today’s Christian Woman”

Author Kay Wills Wyma’s  Cleaning House is featured on Christianity Today’s , Today’s Christian Woman, titled “No More Entitlement: My countercultural determination to raise independent kids.”

Included is Wyma’s “Top Twelve Things A Kid Should Know Before Flying the Coop!” To read more, click here.

DOWNLOAD: Strong-Willed Child Top 10 Tips by Cynthia Ulrich Tobias

In You Can’t Make Me (But I Can Be Persuaded), Cynthia Ulrich Tobias offers new hope, achievable goals, and a breath of fresh air to families and teachers on how the mind of a strong-willed child works – and how to use that information to the child’s best advantage. Click here to download Cynthia’s Top 10 Tips and start bringing out the best in your strong-willed child of any age now!


SNEAK PEEK: Upside-Down Prayers For Parents by Lisa Tawn Bergren

Because God Loves Them Even More Than You Do

Click here to download chapter one of Upside-Down Prayers For Parents.

What if we didn’t just pray for God to protect our child? What if we prayed, Lord, mold this child into the person you designed him to be. Whatever it takes. I trust you with his present and his future through even the hardest circumstances. [ … ]