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SNEAK PEEK: God Distorted by John Bishop

God is not a bigger version of your earthly father.

Click here to download chapter one of God Distorted.

When you hear the word “father,” do you think of someone who is loving…or angry? Someone who is pleased with you…or constantly disappointed? Someone who is always available…or someone who is too busy, preoccupied, or distant? When you think of “Father God,” what images come to mind?

Click here to download chapter one of God Distorted.

SNEAK PEEK: Limitless by Nick Vujicic

From limbless to limitless – anything is possible with God!

Click here to download chapter one of Limitless.

Nick Vujicic knows there is no greater hope than trusting in God’s plan for your life. Born without arms or legs, Nick has experienced both the peak of hope and the depth of despair. But he has overcome his circumstances and physical limitations by clinging to his faith and understanding the limitless love and power God has for every person. Now he wants you to experience that same reassurance of hope and the power of God, everyday.

Click here to download chapter one of Limitless.

SNEAK PEEK: Firsthand by Ryan and Josh Shook

Ditching Secondhand Religion For A Faith of Your Own

Click here to download chapter one of Firsthand.

Every person inherits a system of beliefs. Maybe yours came from community, or church, or society, or your parents. But one day you reach a breaking point. You look at the rituals and traditions and worship and theology and it all seems foggy. Foreign. Strange. You wonder why you believe what you believe. If you even believe anymore…

Brothers Ryan and Josh Shook reached that breaking point. Their book, Firsthand, is a smart, honest and deeply felt journey that invites you to leave behind handed-down beliefs and find authentic faith. A faith that lets go of how things are [ … ]

NEWS: Liz Curtis Higgs & The Romans Project

a holy experienceTODAY:  On Ann Voskamp’s popular blog, A Holy Experience, best-selling author Liz Curtis Higgs unpacks Romans 1:1. Sharing fresh insights on every word of the verse, Liz also includes photos from her garden and a heartfelt word of encouragement.

Be sure to follow Liz’s own Bible Study blog each Wednesday this winter as she walks through the pages of Embrace Grace.

NEWS: “Cleaning House” Author Discusses Teenage Suicide in New York Times’ Motherlode

Cleaning House author Kay Wills Wyma discusses teenage suicide in the New York Times Motherlode blog.

Wyma discusses the possible role responsibilities may play in helping to prevent the growing statistics and trend. To read her entire post “Could Responsibilities Help Prevent Teenage Suicide?” click here.