A Personal Relationship with Jesus
God’s gifts to us are as timeless as He is. Just because we’re living two thousand years after Jesus walked this earth doesn’t mean we have missed out on having a personal relationship with Him. Does Jesus still transcend time and space? You bet. He is both omniscient (knowing all things throughout time) and omnipresent (everywhere at once). Not only that, the gospel accounts of His life teach us how to intimately know Him. Can Jesus still heal the sick, encourage the poor, and love the unlovely? Yes, He can, and He does so countless times per day. Is He still our light in a dark world? Does He overcome evil still to this day? Does He gladly bear the weight of every sin we commit? Yes, yes, and yes.
God didn’t just send a postcard from heaven or a mere memento or token of His love. He gave us a precious gift that keeps on giving. He gave us a living, breathing, walking, talking, loving, healing, teaching, preaching example of His extraordinary love by coming near to us in the form of His Son, Jesus Christ.
Excerpted from Completely Blessed by Shannon Ethridge
Daily Reflection: How have you sought out a personal relationship with Jesus?