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Search Results for: sneak peek

SNEAK PEEK: Falling for God by Gary W. Moon


Discover the endless joy of falling head over heels for God.

Click here to download chapter one of Falling for God.

 If you’re not head over heels in love with God, you’re missing out on an incredible experience–but you’re not without hope. Falling for God will inspire you to pursue a passionate, intimate relationship with a God who–even though he doesn’t need anything from you–wants more than anything to be united with you.

Click here to download chapter one of Falling for God.

SNEAK PEEK: God Is Not Through with Me Yet by Thelma Wells

Discover His loving wisdom and His healing truth.

Click here to download chapter one of God Is Not Through With Me Yet.

With personal stories and solid biblical teaching that open your heart to God’s truth, Thelma guides you to a deeper faith and an exuberant desire to follow your Lord…even through your life’s most turbulent storms. With the warmth of a grandmother, the wit of a jokester, and the wisdom of a woman in the Word, Thelma opens your eyes to the full wholeness God has for you.

Click here to download chapter one of God Is Not Through With Me Yet.

SNEAK PEEK: A Perfect Mess by Lisa Harper

What does God see in your less-than-lovely moments?

Click here to download chapter one of A Perfect Mess.

Join Lisa in discovering what happens when we stop trying to hide our inadequacies and doubts and instead trust God with our anger, frustrations, flaws, and regrets. As you accept God’s loving invitation to exchange your junk for His joy, you’ll find the imperfect pieces of your life shaped into a glorious pattern of divine grace.

Click here to download chapter one of A Perfect Mess.

SNEAK PEEK: Furious Pursuit by Tim King and Frank Martin

You’re not defined by what you’ve done.
You’re defined by Who pursues you.

Click here to download chapter one of Furious Pursuit.

Because of his nature, it is impossible for God not to pursue you. In Furious Pursuit, Tim King and Frank Martin invite you to lay down the smaller story of your life and instead tap into the Larger Story. To begin today by allowing God to transform the nature of your relationship with him. To stop chasing God and start embracing the Romance that is already well under way.

Click here to download chapter one of Furious Pursuit.


SNEAK PEEK: 101 Cups of Water by


Because Water Is Life.
And 101 Cups of Water Will Quench Your Thirst.

Click here to download chapter one of 101 Cup of Water.

 For every time you’ve tried too hard, fell too far, or struggled too much, the refreshing cups in this book–or reminders of God’s infinite grace and mercy–will renew you like cool, clear water after a long, dry walk on a dusty, pitted, uphill road.

Click here to download chapter one of 101 Cup of Water.

SNEAK PEEK: A Childlike Heart by Alan D. Wright


Ignite your spirit of adventure and wide-eyed joy in the Lord!

Click here to download chapter one of A Childlike Heart.

To all of us too-serious, on-the-edge, busy-and-preoccupied adults, Alan Wright offers a reminder of Jesus’ words regarding the heart of the child: “Of such is the kingdom of God.” 

Click here to download chapter one of A Childlike Heart.

SNEAK PEEK: Fight by Kenny Luck


Suit up for the ultimate fight.

Click here to download chapter one of Fight.

 There’s a terrifying truth facing today’s men, and it’s caught many off guard. But once that first overwhelming challenge hits, the reality about evil becomes clear: Every one of us is in a fight for our lives.

Click here to download chapter one of Fight.

SNEAK PEEK: Risk by Kenny Luck


Do you dare let Jesus take control of your life?

Click here to download chapter one of Risk.

Predictability. Control. Safety. Comfort. Jesus challenges God’s man to throw all those words out the window. Because, when it comes to your faith, all the energy spent eliminating risk from your life actually becomes a barrier to progress in your spiritual journey.

Click here to download chapter one of Risk.