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Search Results for: sneak peek

SNEAK PEEK: Dry Bones Dancing by Tony Evans

Dry Bones Dancing is about escaping religious dryness to move on to true spiritual passion. The results will be an experience of supernatural power and peace in the presence of God as you are invited to go deeper and see God’s character and glory as never before.

Click here to download the first chapter of Dry Bones Dancing now.

SNEAK PEEK: Pro-Life Answers to Pro-Choice Arguments by Randy Alcorn

As politicians, citizens, and families continue the raging national debate on whether it’s proper to end human life in the womb, resources like Randy Alcorn’s Pro-life Answers to Pro-choice Arguments have proven invaluable. With over 75,000 copies in print, this revised and updated guide offers timely information and inspiration from a “sanctity of life” perspective. Real answers to real questions about abortion appear in logical and concise form.

Click here to download the first chapter of Pro-Life Answers to Pro-Choice Argument now.

SNEAK PEEK: Every Woman’s Battle by Shannon Ethridge

Your sexual needs are far different from your man’s.

Click here to download the first chapter of Every Woman’s Battle now.

The only way women can survive the intense struggle for sexual integrity is by guarding not just your body, but your mind and heart as well. Every Woman’s Battle can help you learn to do that.

Click here to download the first chapter of Every Woman’s Battle now.

SNEAK PEEK: Every Man’s Battle by Stephen Arterburn

The challenge every man faces…the fight every man can win!

Click here to download the first chapter of Every Man’s Battle now.

Millions have found Every Man’s Battle the single greatest resource for overcoming the struggle and remaining strong in the face of temptation. With extensive updates for a new generation, this phenomenal bestseller shares the stories of dozens who have escaped the trap of sexual immorality and presents a practical, detailed plan for any man who desires sexual integrity.

Click here to download the first chapter of Every Man’s Battle now.

SNEAK PEEK: The Widow of Saunders Creek by Tracey Bateman

A grief that knows no boundary. A love without any limit. A need that doesn’t end at death.

Click here to download the first chapter of The Widow of Saunders Creek now.

A young widow encounters an otherworldly force occupying her late husband’s family home, and through faith and love, finds the strength to confront it.

Click here to download the first chapter of The Widow of Saunders Creek now.

SNEAK PEEK: Facing Autism by Lynn M. Hamilton

Don’t Let Autism Have the Last Word in Your Child’s Life.

Click here to download chapter one of Facing Autism.

Perhaps one of the most devastating things you can learn as a parent is that your child has been diagnosed with autism. A multifaceted disorder, autism has long baffled parents and professionals alike. At one time, doctors gave parents virtually no hope for combating the disorder. But in recent years, new treatments and therapies have demonstrated that improvement is possible. With intensive, early intervention, some children have recovered from autism and have been integrated into school, indistinguishable from their peers.

Click here to download chapter one of Facing Autism.

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SNEAK PEEK: The Little Sparrows by Al Lacy

Click here to download chapter one of The Little Sparrows.

Kearney, Cheyenne, Rawlins. Reno, Sacramento, San Francisco. At each train station, a few lucky orphans from the crowded streets of New York City receive the fulfillment of their dreams: a home and family. This “orphan train” is the vision of Charles Loring Brace, founder of the Children’s Aid Society, who cannot bear to see innocent children abandoned in the overpopulated cities of the mid-nineteenth-century. Yet it is not just the orphans whose lives need mending — follow the train along and watch God’s hand restore love and laughter to the right family at the right time!

Click here to download chapter one [ … ]

SNEAK PEEK: The Essential Bible Guide by Whitney T. Kuniholm


Click here to download chapter one of The Essential Bible Guide.

The Bible is the most influential book ever published, and yet it can be difficult or just plain confusing to read. The Essential Bible Guide takes you through the Old and New Testaments in 100 carefully selected readings–The Essential 100–so you’ll see the big picture of the Bible. Each reading includes insightful reflections written in a warm and inviting style to help you reflect on what the Bible has to say to you today.

Click here to download chapter one of The Essential Bible Guide.