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Search Results for: sneak peek

SNEAK PEEK: A Name of Her Own by Jane Kirkpatrick

Marie  fights for her family’s very survival with the courage and gritty determination that can only be fueled by a mother’s love.

Click here to download the first chapter of A Name of Her Own  now.

Based on the life of Marie Dorion, the first mother to cross the Rocky Mountains and remain in the Northwest, A Name of Her Own is the fictionalized adventure account of a real woman’s fight to settle in a new landscape, survive in a nation at war, protect her sons and raise them well and, despite an abusive, alcoholic husband, keep her marriage together.

SNEAK PEEK: God Gave Us You by Lisa T. Bergren

“Where did I come from?”

Click here to download the first pages of God Gave Us You now.

When a charming polar bear cub climbs into bed one night, she asks her Mama a very important question:

“Where did I come from?”

As Mama bear tucks her youngest cub under the quilts, she lovingly explains, “We wanted you very, very much, and we are so very glad because…

“God gave us you.”

Perfect for bedtime, naptime, storytime or anytime, God Gave Us You builds children’s self-esteem and assures each one that he or she truly is a treasured gift from the Lord.

SNEAK PEEK: Fair is the Rose by Liz Curtis Higgs

The Scottish Lowlands, October 1789.

Click hereto download the first chapter of Fair is the Rose now.

 A year has come and gone since Jamie McKie fled for his life, arriving at Auchengray in search of sanctuary and a bonny wife. Young Rose McBride, as fair a lass as any in Scotland, dearly loves her handsome cousin—but so does her older sister, Leana.

Jamie McKie is busy making his own plans to return home to Glentrool and claim his inheritance. To do so means facing Evan, the brother whose blessing he stole, and Alec, the father whom he ruthlessly deceived. It is a perilous journey that will test the depth of his courage, the strength of his [ … ]

SNEAK PEEK: Whence Came a Prince by Liz Curtis Higgs

A Prodigal Hero…A Perilous Journey Home.

Click here to download the first chapter of Whence Came a Prince now.

Jamie McKie is determined to return to his ancestral home in Glen Trool and claim his inheritance—a harrowing journey that will test the depth of his courage and the strength of his sword. Haunted by a shameful past and wrestling with an uncertain future, Jamie must outwit his devious Uncle Lachlan and confront the two men he most fears: Evan, the brother whose inheritance he stole, and Alec, the father whom he blatantly deceived.

SNEAK PEEK: The Girl’s Still Got It by Liz Curtis Higgs

Walk with Ruth as she travels from Moab to Bethlehem, certain of her calling, yet uncertain of her future. Hold Naomi’s hand and watch love put the pieces of her broken life back together. And hang out with Boaz, their kinsman-redeemer, who blesses both women and honors God, big time.
With best-selling author Liz Curtis Higgs by your side, you’ll tarry in the corners of their ancient houses, listen to their conversations, and consider every word of every verse until you can say, “I totally get the book of Ruth. And I see what God is trying to teach me through this rags-to-riches redemption story—he has a plan for my life.”

Click [ … ]

SNEAK PEEK: From the Library of C.S. Lewis by James Stuart Bell and Anthony P. Dawson

Drawn from Lewis’s personal library, annotations, and references from his writings, this book includes more than 200 selections from literary giants such as Dante, Augustine, and Chaucer, as well as more contemporary writers such as G. K. Chesterton, Dorothy L. Sayers, George MacDonald, and J.R.R. Tolkien, providing a vast array of inspiration from those who have shone forth as messengers of light in Lewis’s own thinking, writing, and spiritual growth.

Click here to download the first chapter of From the Library of C.S. Lewis now.

SNEAK PEEK: Unfashionable by Tullian Tchividjian

Unfashionable explains what it means to be out of style in culture and aligned with God’s thoughts on community, lifestyle, work, money, worship, and church. Only by being properly unfashionable can we once again become a powerful renovating force for God in the world. After all, Jesus made a difference by being—different. So go ahead. Buck the system. Discover the power and the freedom of being unfashionable for God.

Click here to download the first chapter of Unfashionable now.

SNEAK PEEK: A Life God Rewards by Bruce Wilkinson

In this book, you’re going to discover that God’s son Jesus revealed a direct link between what you do today and what you will experience after you die. Astoundingly, the majority of spiritual seekers around the world — including millions who follow Jesus — seem to have missed what He said. Could you be one? If so, your picture of the future is missing about a billion stars. Author Bruce Wilkinson shows you what Jesus said about God’s plan to reward you in eternity for what you do for Him today. What you’ll discover will unlock the mystery of God’s power, plan and will for your life. And you’ll begin to live with the unshakable certainty that what you do today matters … [ … ]

SNEAK PEEK: Tender Warrior by Stu Weber

Young men aspire to it. Women admire it. Yet the definition of manhood itself is obscured by a culture in moral free fall. This book cuts through the fog and defines a powerful blueprint for being the man—the Tender Warrior—that God desires for you and your family.

Written in a warm, personal style, Weber presents the characteristics of tender warriors—including learning to speak the language of women, watching out for what lies ahead, and keeping commitments—in an upfront, straightforward style that challenges readers to realize God’s plan for men.

Click here to download the first chapter of Tender Warrior now.


Read the first chapter of The Signature of Jesus.

The Signature of Jesus challenges the gospel of “cheap grace” and calls the church to radical discipleship. With passion and boldness, author Brennan Manning invites readers to risk living life as Jesus lived—committed to simplicity, purity of heart, and obedience to the gospel.