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VIDEO: Safe House by Joshua Straub Book Trailer

Parenting isn’t rocket science, it’s just brain surgery.

And Dr. Joshua Straub has good news for you: You can do it! You don’t need to do all the “right” things as a parent. Both science and the Bible show us that the most important thing we can provide for our

kids is a place of emotional safety. In other words, the posture from which we parent matters infinitely more than the techniques of parenting. Emotional safety—more than any other factor—is

scientifically linked to raising kids who live, love, and lead well. Learn how to use emotional safety as a foundation from which you parent—and make a cultural impact that could change the world!

“Called for Life” Author Interviewed on PBS NewsHour

Dr. Kent Brantly, author of Called for Life (WaterBrook Press, July 2015) appeared on PBS NewsHour August 10th. In an interview with Hari Sreenivasan, Brantly spoke candidly about his initial diagnosis with Ebola, his nationally covered journey from Liberia to Emory Hospital in the United States and his decision to take Z-Mapp, a new drug never before tested on humans.

Brantly also shared his struggle to understand why he survived when so many people did not. While Brantly’s faith is an integral part of his life, he doesn’t believe something unique about his faith that led to his survival.

“I don’t think there is anything special about my faith that saved my life. If anything, my faith is what put me in a position where I got Ebola. I’m really thankful…for all the people who played a role in [ … ]

SNEAK PEEK – The Heaven Promise by Scot McKnight

Heaven isn’t just a dream; it’s a promise!

Click here to download chapter one of  The Heaven Promise.

For far too long, we’ve talked about heaven as if it were a dream or someplace that only exists in fairytales. We want to believe it’s real, but with such an expanse of contradictory information, it’s difficult to know what to believe.

To add even more confusion, we are left to sift through the tales of individuals who have crossed over and returned. With so many competing narratives and accounts based on what many think are beyond-death experiences, wouldn’t it be nice to have a straight forward examination of what the Bible has to say about heaven?

Best-selling author and New Testament scholar Scot McKnight thought so too, which is why he wrote The Heaven Promise.

McKnight, who [ … ]

SEAK PEEK – Nine Thoughts that can Change Your Marriage by Sheila Wray Gregoire

Is what you believe about marriage getting in the way of a GREAT relationship?

Click here to download chapter one of  Nine Thoughts that can Change your Marriage.

When you’ve put into practice all the usual advice, but your marriage still falls short of the intimacy and joy you want, what then? Are patience and perseverance your only hope for a better relationship?

Author and speaker Sheila Wray Gregoire says, “Absolutely not!” The solution to a happier relationship is not found in being a more patient, more perfect wife, but in taking responsibility for what you can do—and especially for how you think about your marriage. She challenges you to replace pat Christian answers with nine biblical truths that will radically shift your perspective on your husband, your relationship, and [ … ]

PREACHING PLAN: Possible by Stephan Bauman

Stephan Bauman, president of World Relief believes true change begins in the hearts and actions of ordinary people. In Possible, he presents clear and biblical thinking, powerful stories, and practical tools for sustainably impacting our workplaces, neighborhoods, villages, and cities.

Download the Preaching Plan for Possible

SMALL GROUP GUIDE: Possible by Stephan Bauman

Stephan Bauman, president of World Relief believes true change begins in the hearts and actions of ordinary people. In Possible, he presents clear and biblical thinking, powerful stories, and practical tools for sustainably impacting our workplaces, neighborhoods, villages, and cities.

Download the Small Group Guide for Possible

Possible by Stephan Bauman – SNEAK PEEK

 Hunger. Poverty. Violence. Real change is still possible.

 Click here to download chapter one of Possible. 

“Stephan Bauman helps us understand that if we want to steward our moment in history, we must turn our thinking upside-down—first to recognize the resilience and creativity of those who suffer, then to thank God for the privilege of coming alongside them as co-creators of the solutions. I love this book!”  

— Lynne Hybels, Willow Creek Community Church

We need a better vision for saving the world.

 Across the world, people like you are rising up to fight poverty, oppression, and injustice—not just professionals, but bloggers, musicians, entrepreneurs, artists, homemakers, and advocates. People who refuse to accept the world as it is, who dare to believe change is possible.

 But we face a crisis of vision. We [ … ]

‘Be The Message’ Becomes New York Times Best-seller

Houston-based mega church pastors Kerry and Chris Shook’s latest book , Be the Message: Taking Your Faith Beyond Words to a Life of Action (Sept. 9, 2014/WaterBrook Press),  debuted at #18 on the Sept. 28,  2014, “Advice, How-To, Misc.,” New York Times Best-seller list and appeared again at #12 on the Oct. 5, 2014, list. It also has become a Publishers Weekly and Los Angeles Timebest-seller. 

Be the Message encourages readers to move beyond sermons to take action in becoming the gospel in their homes, communities and the world. The Shook’s new best-seller was born out of the authors’ fatigue with sermons and the desire to make Jesus real to those around them. Be the Message shares their personal journey as they have changed the way they think about the gospel and live it out.  For more information, visit [ … ]

SNEAK PEEK: A Love Undone by Cindy Woodsmall

A husband and son abandoned to forge a path alone.
A young woman who sacrificed her dreams.
How will the God of grace and hope help them find their way?

Click here to download chapter one of A Love Undone.

At nineteen years old, Old Order Amish Jolene Keim was on the brink of happily-ever-after when everything changed, stealing the future she expected and burdening her with an unbearable decision. For the next ten years, Jolene throws herself into family life—and then she meets Andy Fisher. The horse trainer and father to a sweet nine year-old challenges her and holds up a mirror to issues Jolene has been unwilling to face.

Click here to download chapter one of A Love Undone.

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