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Search Results for: sneak peek

SNEAK PEEK: Limelight by Melody Carlson

Click here to read chapter one of Limelight

Claudette Fioré used to turn heads and break hearts. She relished the glamorous Hollywood lifestyle because she had what it takes: money, youth, fame, and above all, beauty. But age has withered that beauty, and a crooked accountant has taken her wealth, leaving the proud widow penniless and alone.
Armed with stubbornness and sarcasm, Claudette returns to her shabby little hometown and her estranged sister. Slowly, she makes friends. She begins to see her old life in a new light. For the first time, Claudette Fioré questions her own values and finds herself wondering if it’s too late to change

Click here to read chapter one of Limelight

SNEAK PEEK: Iron Wagon

Click here to read chapter 1 of The Iron Wagon

At twenty-one, Paul Brockman is the newest deputy U.S. marshal in his father’s arsenal of lawmen. Bold and courageous, Paul proves to be every bit as skillful with a revolver as the chief U.S. marshal, John “The Stranger” Brockman. Five ruthless outlaws escape Yuma Prison but are soon captured, and Paul must transport them back to Arizona in an iron wagon. During the hazardous journey, Paul encounters Lisa Martin, whose parents were murdered by renegade Indians…

Click here to read chapter 1 of The Iron Wagon

SNEAK PEEK: I Do Again by Jeff & Cheryl Scruggs

Click here to download the first chapter of I Do Again

After years of frustration, Cheryl’s longing for emotional fulfillment led to an affair and, finally, a divorce that left Jeff utterly devastated and seething with anger. Yet, incredibly, seven years later, Jeff and Cheryl once again stood at the altar, promising to “love, honor, and cherish” one another. A new and vibrant love had risen out of the ashes of this family’s pain.
I Do Again reveals the hidden secrets that slowly destroyed this marriage and the spiritual awakening that opened the way to healing.

Click here to download the first chapter of I Do Again

SNEAK PEEK: The Goodness of God

Read the first chapter of The Goodness of God

For those times when we’re wounded by broken trust, assaulted by disease, or victimized by evil—or when we’re crushed to see such things happen to people we love—Randy Alcorn offers something solid to hold onto.
In this specially focused condensation of Alcorn’s If God Is Good…: Faith in the Midst of Suffering and Evil, we’re continually guided into a deeper glimpse of God’s loving ways and higher purposes—the very things we’re often most blinded to whenever we battle pain and anguish.

Read the first chapter of The Goodness of God

SNEAK PEEK: The Fred Factor

Click here to download chapter 1 of the Fred Factor

Seize the chance to be extraordinary.
Who has made the biggest difference in your life? Whose words and actions have uplifted and motivated you to excel? Chances are it was someone like Fred the postman–so outstanding in his service that Mark Sanborn realized this mail carrier could be an example for any person wanting to be extraordinary.
The “Fred factor” is summarized by four principles that will release fresh energy, enthusiasm, and creativity in your career and life

Click here to download chapter 1 of the Fred Factor

SNEAK PEEK: FOR WOMEN ONLY by Shaunti Feldhahn

Read the first chapter of For Women Only.

What’s going on in a man’s mind? From their early days, every woman has struggled to understand why males behave the way they do. Even long-married women who think they understand men have only scratched the surface. Beneath a man’s rugged exterior is an even more rugged, unmapped terrain. What bestselling author Shaunti Feldhahn’s research reveals about the inner lives of men will open women’s eyes to what the men in their life—boyfriends, brothers, husbands, and sons—are really thinking and feeling…

SNEAK PEEK: Experiencing the Resurrection

Click Here to read the first chapter of Experiencing the Resurrection

Two thousand years ago, God raised Jesus Christ from the dead. But that isn’t a mere historical event. It isn’t simply a theological doctrine. It is rather a “huge moment” that reverberates powerfully and meaningfully throughout history. Even today. Even in your life.
When God raised Jesus, He also made it possible for Christ’s life to reign eternally in His followers. The resurrection is the foundation of your total freedom and complete victory in Christ. And so it is an event–an experience–that’s worthy of your daily celebration.

Click Here to read the first chapter of Experiencing the Resurrection

SNEAK PEEK: For Men Only

Download the first Chapter of For Men Only

Women: complicated and impossible to understand? Do you love and want to please the woman in your life, but just can’t seem to figure her out? That was before For Men Only. Now at your fingertips is the tool that will unlock the secret to her mysterious ways. Through hundreds of interviews and the results of a scientific national survey of women, this book demonstrates that women are actually not random and that they really can be systematized and “mapped.”

Download the first Chapter of For Men Only

SNEAK PEEK: Every Young Man’s Battle

Download the first chapter of Every Young Mans Battle

You’re surrounded by sex constantly–in movies, on TV, video games, music, the Internet. Is it any wonder that it feels impossible to stay sexually pure?
How do men survive the relentless battle against the onslaught of lust?
With powerful ammunition.

Download the first chapter of Every Young Mans Battle

SNEAK PEEK: Every Woman’s Marriage

Click Here to download the first chapter of Every Woman’s Marriage

Are you a “desperate housewife,” committed to marriage yet longing for a deeper, more intimate connection with your husband? Believe it or not, you can have the marriage you long for–if you’re willing to take desperate measures. If you’re ready to stop the blame game and pursue the marriage of your dreams, let authors Shannon and Greg Ethridge show you how to reignite your relationship with spiritual, emotional, and physical passion.

Click Here to download the first chapter of Every Woman’s Marriage