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Could the Rapture Happen Today?

Mark Hitchcock

About Could the Rapture Happen Today?

Get Caught Up in the Rapture!

Religious jargon aside, just what is the rapture? Why is it such a big deal among Christians today? Here are the answers. Could the Rapture Happen Today? clearly defines this event and tackles the most commonly asked questions surrounding it. With solid evidence backing his responses, Mark Hitchcock also boldly explores the most controversial and pressing question, When will it happen? With biblically sound, detailed arguments supporting the belief that the rapture will occur prior to the tribulation (pre-trib), Hitchcock tackles the question from every angle. Your nagging questions relieved, this fascinating page-turner will still leave you on the edge of your seat, anticipating Christ’s return at any unexpected moment!







Say what?

Scholars debate and theses are written, but you simply want to know, Just what is the Rapture? and, When might it occur? Or maybe you’re wondering how the Rapture differs from Christ’s return, or whether the destinies of the unsaved can change during the horrifying years of the Great Tribulation.

Prophecy expert Mark Hitchcock tackles your most common questions from every angle. Because—while the exact day and hour cannot be forecasted—biblically sound, detailed arguments state the case for the Rapture occurring prior to the Tribulation. Get the clear answers you need and move boldly forward with peace of mind.

Story Behind the Book

“The one biblical truth that has affected my Christian life more than any other is the rapture of the church—the belief that Jesus could come at any moment to take His people away to be with Him. It deeply affects how I view my life, this world, and how I live each day. I have always wanted to write a book that clearly explains the truth of the any-moment rapture and how it should affect our daily lives. I’m grateful that the good people at Multnomah have given me the opportunity to share my passion for this blessed hope with others." — Mark Hitchcock

About Mark Hitchcock

Mark Hitchcock, PhD, an authority on Bible prophecy, has written more than a dozen books on the topic, including Iran: The Coming Crisis. A law school graduate, Mark was called to the ministry in the 1980s. After graduation from seminary, he became pastor of the Faith Bible church in Edmond, Oklahoma, where he still serves. Mark lectures frequently on prophecy themes and has appeared on MSNBC, Fox News, and CNN. Mark and his wife, Cheryl, have two sons, Justin and Samuel.

Product Details

192 pages | Published by Multnomah

On Sale Date: Feb 4, 2009

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