PRESS RELEASE: WaterBrook Multnomah Announces Early Release of Grant R. Jeffreys Final Book
(Colorado Springs, Colo., August 2, 2012) WaterBrook Multnomah Publishing Group is pleased to announce the October 9, 2012 early release of author Grant R. Jeffreys final book, One Nation, Under Attack, originally planned to go on-sale January 15, 2013. Because of the economic times were living in and the urgency of Grants message, we felt it was imperative to release his book as early as possible, says Stephen W. Cobb, WaterBrook Multnomah President and Publisher.
One Nation, Under Attack explores what Jeffrey refers to in his writing as Americas Economic Armageddon. He uncovers the facts, the secret maneuvering, and the statistics that point to the unavoidable fall of the United States from its longstanding role as world leader and the most powerful and prosperous nation in history. The escalating national debt, new regimes taking over in the Middle East, [ … ]