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A Bond Forged in Prayer

“A great mental picture of bonding may be to envision two objects glued together. When issues of life feel overwhelming, a healthy bonding between husband and wife, as Allen and Eileen demonstrate, can carry us through those times: ‘Prayer is definitely a key factor in growing close to each other. It allows you to reveal your heart to the Lord. It is an outpouring. It allows you to share the burdens of life with each other.’

After a long morning of intense communication, I’ll often climb onto Craig’s lap as he sits on our oversized recliner, lay my head against his chest, take a deep breathÂ…and rest my worries and fears before God as we seek his direction through prayer together. The bonding that I feel at those times is indescribable. It can only be God-designed.”
Excerpted from Faith Tango by Carolyn and Craig Williford

Daily Reflection: How can you grow in your relationship with God and a loved one through prayer, starting today?

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