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Red, green, orange, blue… Every color God made is a sweet reminder of His love for you and me—and how we can share His love with others!

Book Trailer: BORN ROYAL by Oneka McClellan


In a message that’s both vibrant and conversational, Pastor Oneka McClellan reminds us that God has uniquely positioned and gifted women to be a source of life, wisdom, and strength. Through insightful biblical truths and real stories of women showing up in powerful ways, McClellan equips you to

• completely trust your God-given identity
• lead with courage and wisdom in any room
• fight for the flourishing of others
• celebrate the greatness in every woman
• see with eyes of hope that God can redeem any story

To every woman who’s ever felt held back, pushed down, or disqualified from stepping fully into her purpose, McClellan’s Born Royal offers hope, encouragement, and [ … ]

Sneak Peek: THE POWER OF YOUR DREAMS by Stephanie Ike Okafor

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How would your life look if you gained years of wisdom, guidance, and strategy while you were asleep? That’s exactly what you receive when you tap into the power of God’s voice in your dreams!

The average person spends twenty-six years of life sleeping. That time was created not only to enjoy the physical benefits of rest but to engage in the presence of God and access His guidance for our days. Through fascinating real-life stories, Pastor Stephanie Ike Okafor reveals how dreams have equipped her and many others throughout history, and she shows how you, too, can receive revelation from God through your dreams.

Sneak Peek: LOVE LIFE SOBER by Christy Osborne

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A 40-day, alcohol-free journey to reset your drinking habits, reconnect with yourself, and strengthen your relationship with Jesus—from a certified sobriety coach with you-can-do-it positivity.

What if your best life is a sober life?

Double-certified sobriety coach Christy Osborne discovered this in her own life and has helped countless clients realize the same. Now, in this highly practical guide, she brings together the psychology of habits and triggers, truth and hope from Scripture, and the science of alcohol’s effect on the body for a forty-day alcohol reset. In this life-changing fast, you’ll experience the gifts of sobriety through enhanced sleep, clearer thinking, better health, deeper connections with others, and a restored sense of well-being.

Sneak Peek: CHURCH GIRL by Sarita T. Lyons

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Church Girl invites you, as a Black woman, on a journey from the garden to the present day. Your unique story as a Black woman lies within the grand narrative of Scripture, and the message of the gospel is the light, lens, and love you need to help you see and live as God intends.

Church Girl helps answer some of your most internal pressing questions:

• How do I understand my identity in light of Scripture?
• How should I think about my purpose?
• How can I thrive despite the opposition from racism and sexism?
• How are Black women hurt in the church and how can I heal?
• Why am I always exhausted from working and where can I find real peace and rest?
[ … ]

Sneak Peek: SACRED CREATIVITY by Jena Holliday

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Each section provides space to digest what you’ve read with thoughtful questions to respond to in words or drawings, an affirmation to encourage you, and a prayer to guide you. With suggested songs to listen to as well, Sacred Creativity is the ultimate invitation to offer your God-given gifts back to the Creator in joyful worship. To yield to the One who Created all, and allow your art, creativity, and life to be a love offering.

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