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DOWNLOAD: A Tale of Two Cultures by Leonard Sweet

The gospel is nothing without relationship. And no one gets it like the Google Generation.

Click here to download the second chapter of Viral now.

The current generation is driven by a God-given desire to know others and to be known by others. Most of them, in seeking to connect in meaningful ways, have found a place of belonging that is outside the organized church. Why not bring the two together?

Click here to download the second chapter of Viral now.


SNEAK PEEK: What Matters Most by Leonard Sweet

Belief can exist in isolation, but faith requires a relationship 

Click here to download the first chapter of What Matters Most now.

Author Leonard Sweet calls us into a relationship with a God who cannot be fully defined but who wants nothing more than to have an honest relationship with us.

Click here to download the first chapter of What Matters Most now.

SNEAK PEEK: Real Church in a Social-Network World by Leonard Sweet

We need more than status updates—we need relationships

Click here to download the first chapter of Real Church in a Social-Network World now.

The explosion in social networking is perhaps the most visible expression of the human longing to know others and to be known. Is there a parallel in contemporary Christianity? This provocative eBook offers practical guidance to leaders and followers, believers and seekers, and anyone who is ready to explore the human longing for relationship.