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AUTHOR BLOG: Jonathan Rogers

The Charlatan’s Boy by Jonathan Rogers releases on October 5, 2010 and we couldn’t be more excited about it. This hilarious tale of young orphan Grady will make you laugh as he tries to find his identity amidst the shenanigans of life as a charlatan’s boy. This story resides at the intersection of humor and heart-warming and it’s definitely a must read. To get a sneak peek, read a few chapters here. For a chance to win an advanced copy, go to our Facebook or Twitter page and type “I want to read The Charlatan’s Boy by Jonathan Rogers.”

In the meantime, check out the author’s blog,, for amusing anecdotes, book news, “Feechie of the Week”, and more!

SNEAK PEEK: The Charlatan’s Boy by Jonathan Rogers

“I only know one man who might be able to tell me where I come from, and that man is a liar and a fraud.”

Download and read the first two chapters of  The Charlatan’s Boy by Jonathan Rogers.

In this frontier fantasy, a traveling huckster and his adolescent assistant perpetrate an elaborate hoax on the good citizens of Corenwald. When the scheme leads to widespread panic, the results are hilarious, terrifying, and revealing.

Download and read the first two chapters of  The Charlatan’s Boy by Jonathan Rogers.