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SNEAK PEEK: The Blessed Church (Trade Paperback) by Robert Morris

“How has your church remained so healthy while growing so quickly?”

Click here to download chapter one of The Blessed Church.

Robert Morris gets asked this question a lot. In other words, people want to know, “What’s your secret?” In The Blessed Church, Pastor Morris of Gateway Church explores how a church can be fast-growing and spiritually-enriching—and still healthy. With the powerful stories, candor, and humor he’s known for, Morris shows how every component of your church—including mission, government, teaching, worship, small groups, giving, and outreach—can receive God’s richest blessings.

Click here to download chapter one of The Blessed Church.


On the 4th Day of Christmas…Finding the Real Meaning in Christmas

What Once Was Lost by Kim Vogel Sawyer follows the lives of individuals and a community effected by a devastating fire. It’s a story that deals with loss, grief, and recovery, and are real-life issues that my family and I have experienced.

While living in Florida, our family of six was hit by the “No Name Storm of the Century.” Hitting our home at high tide, the 14-16 feet waves ripped off the hurricane shutters and broke out windows, as the water rushed through our house, sweeping furniture, household items, toys, and personal items out into the Gulf of Mexico.

During the storm, none of our possessions seem to matter anymore, only the safety of each other and our four daughters.

Surviving through the storm surge, we were evacuated the next day, and spent the next [ … ]

SNEAK PEEK: The Blessed Woman by Debbie Morris

Discover the True Meaning of Being Blessed

Click here to download chapter one of The Blessed Woman.

It’s not easy being a woman. The demands and expectations of us, and those we place on ourselves, can be overwhelming. While trying to navigate this thing called “life,” have you ever longed for a close friend, confidant, or mentor to walk alongside you and encourage you in Biblical womanhood? Debbie Morris did. And yet even as a young minister’s wife, she found herself without someone to fill this all-important role. So she turned to the Bible. Biblical women such as Eve, Sarah, and Miriam had always fascinated her. But now they also became her friends, sisters, and teachers. [ … ]

SNEAK PEEK: The Blessed Church by Robert Morris

Grow Your Church Well

    Click here to download the first chapter of The Blessed Church now.

    In The Blessed Church, Pastor Robert Morris explores what it takes to have a growing, yet healthy, church. Written for church leaders as well as lay people, The Blessed Church looks at the qualities that make church “work” in the twenty-first century and how they can enrich your church, whatever its size or vision.

    Click here to download the first chapter of The Blessed Church now.

    SNEAK PEEK: The God I Never Knew by Robert Morris


    To many people the Holy Spirit is mysterious, confounding—even controversial.

    Click here to start reading The God I Never Knew.

    In The God I Never Knew , the senior pastor of Gateway Church in Dallas, Texas, Robert Morris reveals a common-sense approach to the Holy Spirit. He explains that the Holy Spirit doesn’t need to be feared and isn’t a weird element of the trinity and that the Holy Spirit is a person who thinks, feels and has desires, and is present to help each person live the Christian life.  Perhaps its time for you to meet the God you’ve had misconceptions about, the one [ … ]