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SNEAK PEEK: Godonomics by Chad Hovind

God’s solution to America’s economic crisis

Click here to download chapter one of Godonomics.

Saving America’s economy is not a conservative-versus-liberal issue, it is a biblical issue. National leaders have failed to pull the country out of its financial tailspin because both major parties are working from the wrong text. For a nation to achieve stability and enjoy lasting economic health, it needs to adopt the economic principles set forth in the Bible.

Click here to download chapter one of Godonomics.


Read the first chapter of The 60-Minute Money Workout.

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NEWS: Original John and Staci Eldredge Articles on Marriage and Money at

Three original articles by John and Staci Eldredge were recently featured on  Find great tips for your marriage and your budget.  Click below to read the articles:

How to Fight For Each Other:  Coming together as a team makes all the difference!

The Eldredges Talk Money:  John and Stasi discuss the money lessons they’ve learned

Couples: Face Your Money Fears Together!:  John and Stasi Eldredge provide insight from their own experiences