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SNEAK PEEK: 40 Loaves by C.D. Baker


Feed Your Spirit.

Click here to download chapter one of 40 Loaves.

Can we become more honest with who we really are and find who God says He really is at the same time? Come indulge yourself in daily readings with an honest exploration of your secret fears and thoughts, and know that you will always be welcomed in God’s unconditional love.

Click here to download chapter one of 40 Loaves.

PDF DOWNLOAD: 40 Loaves: Breaking Bread with our Father


A weekly encouragement for the holidays

The season of thanksgiving and joy are upon us.  Time for celebration–and contemplation. Author C.D. Baker encourages readers to use questions and conversation as a way to draw closer to God.  He reminds us that Jesus said to his disciples, “I am the bread of life; he who comes to Me will not hunger, and he who believes in Me will never thirst.” (John 6:35)

Read Chapter one of 40 Loaves by C.D. Baker