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Leaning In

As women, most of us need an example like Mary’s [the mother of Jesus] to help us believe God can use us in any significant way. We have no trouble believing God can use others, but when we look at ourselves, all we can see is our inadequacies and inabilities. So, clinging white-knuckled to our comfort zones, we tend to stick with what comes naturally. We shrink back from God’s upward call and find ourselves reluctant to say, “Yes, Lord! I’m Your servant. Use me as You please!”

I’ll be the first to admit that’s often been true of me. I find it easy to believe God can use my husband. When we started Gateway Church, for instance, I had no doubt God would bless it. My excitement soared, and my faith roared into action as I stood on the sidelines cheering God and Robert on!

But when my turn came, I felt altogether different. Faced with leading the women’s ministry, excitement fled. My faith faltered. I struggled with the idea of God’s using me because I knew myself too well. I was familiar with my weaknesses and character flaws. I could see all the reasons why I didn’t qualify. When I reminded the Lord of my inadequacies, however, He was unimpressed by them. He drafted me anyway. As I’ve already mentioned, that’s how it felt at first. Like I’d been conscripted into a calling I really wasn’t fit for. Yet, uncomfortable as it may be for us, God steers us in those directions for our own good. He does it so He can shine on us, in us, and through us into the lives of others. And I’ve found that by leaning into His plans, we can always find the greatest joy. Of course, it took me a while to discover that.

Excerpted from The Blessed Woman by Debbie Morris

Daily Reflection: How can you lean into the plans God has for you that may be out of your comfort zone?

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