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Finding Your Calling

“Some questions we have about finding our calling and vocation are what questions. What God-given gifts do I have? What can I do? What is being asked of me?

And some of them are where questions. Where is the right place for me? Do I still want to work here? Is this school the right one for me? Has the time come to move away or to move home?

There is at least one other set of questions—the who questions.”

“Our search for our calling leads us to listen deep within ourselves, hoping to hear the echo within, hoping to ungarble and understand the incarnate word spoken into us, hoping to discover how to live into and out of the echo of that word as it resounds within. But we are not meant to stay within ourselves forever. We are meant to be given away, to sound out our word in the world, to give it to others.”

Excerpted from The Echo Within: Finding Your True Calling by Robert Benson

Daily Reflection: What small thing could you do today to learn more about who you are and how that relates to the vocation or calling God has in mind for you?

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